NST drops to 73,000, B.Minggu loses 30% (ABC sneak peek)

Yesterday’s post was of NST selling below 90,000 in ABC’s report for 2009. Below is ABC’s figures for 2010 – a sneak preview.

By uppercaise

ADVANCE LOOK at some ABC figures for 2010

report and graphics by uppercaise

• NST sells only 73,000 on the street
• Berita Minggu loses 90,000 copies over three years

These charts are based on figures from the Audit Bureau of Circulation report for July-December 2010 newspaper sales. An image of an advance report to publishers was emailed anonymously to this blog. I have not seen the full report myself, but the image looks genuine enough — and the report will be out soon anyway. (ABC compiles and audits newspaper circulation figures.)

Sales of all four traditional titles are in decline
• Berita Minggu dropped 30% drop since 2007;
• New Straits Times lost 26%
• Berita Harian and New Sunday Times both fell by 22%

Read more at: http://uppercaise.wordpress.com/2011/06/13/nst-sales-drop-2010-circulation-report/
