Sarbaini inquest set for July 4


(The Malaysian Insider) – An inquest into the mysterious death of Selangor Customs assistant director Ahmad Sarbaini Mohamed will be held from July 4 to July 15.

Sarbaini, 56, was found dead on the badminton court of the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) building in Jalan Cochrane on April 6 at about 10.20am, barely two hours after walking in.

His death, which occurred while the Teoh Beng Hock Royal Commission of Inquiry was still ongoing, came as a huge blow to the anti-graft body’s already battered credibility.

Teoh, a DAP aide, fell to his death at the then-Selangor MACC office on July 16, 2009. An 18-month inquest returned an open verdict, ruling out both suicide and homicide in Teoh’s death.

The police have recommended an inquest be held for Sarbaini and the Attorney-General has agreed but Pakatan Rakyat (PR) lawmakers have criticised the idea, citing Teoh’s case as reason to back their doubts.

Police filed an application for an inquest at the Jalan Duta court complex on June 3.

Coroner Aizatul Akmal Maharani said today the Sarbaini inquest would be heard at the magistrate’s court here.

Ahmad Sarbaini was among those detained by MACC on April 1 during a graft probe involving Customs officers who allegedly caused the Government to lose RM2.2bil in under-declared taxes.

He had been released on bail but went to the MACC building, apparently to change his statement.



