Who Are They Trying To Kid?


So what is the name of the game? Justify those expenses! Who will take responsibility for this? If it is not justified, who will pay? Certainly not the rakyat!!!

Have you heard this unbelievable news HERE:

A whopping RM1,758,432 was spent on developing six Facebook pages to promote Malaysian tourism, the Tourism Ministry said today.

Deputy Tourism Minister James Dawos Mamit said this today in reply to a question from Anthony Loke (Rasah-DAP).

Each Facebook page cost RM293,072 — Cuti-Cuti 1 Malaysia, Citrawarna 1Malaysia, Karnival Jualan Mega 1 Malaysia, Festival Pelancongan Seni Kontemporari 1 Malaysia, Kempen 1 Malaysia Bersih and Fabulous Food 1 Malaysia.

Mamit said that the RM1.8 million included costs for designing, flash programming and coding, testing and debugging, uploading and launching the application, system server deployment and campaign management.

“You need RM1.8 million to run Facebook pages and applications? A six-year-old can start a Facebook page.

“If Datuk Seri Ng Yen Yen has problems getting people to help start Facebook pages, DAP headquarters can help her out, we have people who can develop these things at no cost,” Loke told reporters later at a press conference.

Loke said that unless Ng explained the reasons behind the “exorbitant” costs for the “social media branding” exercise by her ministry, he would lodge a report to the Malaysian Anti-Crimes Commission (MACC).

Come on!!! Who are they trying to kid? Anyone with some reasonable skills/exposure in FB can build a Facebook page with a few clicks here and there. Anyone knows that setting up a Facebook page is FREE so who are they trying to kid? Morons? Themselves?

Malaysians are not stupid idiots and we have the capacity to think, rationalize, criticize and demand for justification of our hard-earned money given to the government via taxes.

So what is the name of the game? Justify those expenses! Who will take responsibility for this? If it is not justified, who will pay? Certainly not the rakyat!!!

Spend spend spend…and then ask the rakyat to tighten their belts. Remove subsidies..then spend spend spend.

No wonder we cannot provide scholarships to worthy students. The money has gone here and there – every which way except the right way?

By Jove, this means that primary school students can be millionaires if they offer their services to that woman!!!

As if that is not enough, did you know that according to THIS WEBSITE:

Tourism Malaysia will be taking over five of London’s iconic red double-decker buses, giving the capital’s bustling transport system an altogether tropical feel!.

The bus campaign was launched today by the Minister of Tourism Malaysia, the Honourable Dato’ Sri Dr. Ng Yen Yen at a special reception at the Malaysian High Commission in Belgrave Square, London.

“We are really excited on the working partnership with Transport for London to promote our fantastic destination on the most recognised public transport system and the world’s most iconic city that presents a great opportunity for Tourism Malaysia. We hope the buses can bring more sunshine and help put a smile on the faces of London’s commuters,” said, the Honourable Dato’ Sri Dr. Ng Yen Yen.

For the next 12 weeks, the buses will carry passengers on some of the busiest routes around London, covering the city’s centre, north, east, and west, and being seen by millions of Londoners. They will also pass world famous tourist sites such as Big Ben, the Houses of parliament, Piccadilly Circus and Harrods.

Malaysia is world famed for its beaches. But with 14,500 flowering plants, 600 species of birds, 210 species of mammals and thousands of exotic insects and marine life, it is also one of the world’s top 12 Biodiversity countries.

Londoners will be able to see giant exotic jungle and aquatic images of Malaysia as part of a drive to promote the country’s hugely diverse nature, fantastic diving, and growing ecotourism industry.


READ MORE HERE (photo of bus included)
