RIM wants another file-sharing site blocked

(The Star) The Recording Industry Association of Malaysia (RIM) has called on the Government to ban another file-sharing site – jiwang.org.


It claimed that the site specialises in providing pirated Malaysian music recordings for illegal downloads.

RIM said the site also reaps lucrative advertising revenue from commercial organisations.

Last week, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) banned 10 file-sharing sites and called on local Internet service providers to block access to the sites.

RIM chairman Norman Abdul Halim lauded the Government’s efforts to uphold copyright laws in cyberspace by taking action against the file-sharing sites.

The websites were among the most visited by Malaysians to illegally download movies.

He added that RIM had filed a complaint with the Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Ministry about jiwang.org.

Norman said the ban was a good starting point against illegal downloads, although savvy Internet users could still circumvent any blocks.

Malaysia is the first country in South-East Asia to block file-sharing sites, he said.

Although Internet censorship was against the MSC Malaysia Bill of Guarantees, which states that the Government will not censor the Internet, it was illegal to download pirated songs and movies, he said.
