Shut down MT? All Men Are Brothers
I fear he puts too little importance to MT and perhaps too much on Bersih 2.0.
By batsman
I found RPK’s threat to shut down MT highly disturbing. Apparently this is because he believes MT commenters and readers have smelly fart. I am not sure how he comes to this conclusion, but apparently those who have smelly fart are not apt to join Bersih 2.0 in July.
I fear he puts too little importance to MT and perhaps too much on Bersih 2.0.
At this point in time and under current conditions, MT is the perfect vehicle for a long term fight to bring clean politics and good honest government to Malaysia. Bersih 2.0 on the other hand may be seen as a hopeful sign but merely a coming flash in the pan in spite of the panic UMNO has been thrown into.
This may sound like a digression but let me talk about the TV series “All Men are Brothers” to stress my point.
I am not saying my understanding of the TV drama is accurate given my full dependence on the “sari kata” and the highly enthusiastic but speckled translation of primary school nephews as well as less than regular viewing of the series, but the importance of the legend centers around the motives of the rebels and their wish to surrender.
Unfortunately, conditions and circumstances were not kind to them. The Sung Dynasty was still strong, but the new Emperor was unduly influenced by corrupt ministers. Those of the rebels who refused to surrender were leftists because they refused to recognize that the Dynasty was still strong and there was no way a change of dynasty could be effected. The long term result of refusal to surrender would be to turn into pure bandits and live off the ordinary people.
On the other hand those to wanted to surrender were rightists who could not understand that corrupt ministers will still reign supreme even if they surrendered and their sacrifices and contribution to the Sung Empire would come to naught and they would have to live under the thumb of evil high officials.
Thus they became heroes in legend continuing fighting to the last man against “fate”. Or at least this is how I expect the series to end. There does not seem to be any “good” ending for the rebels.
In the case of Malaysia, an understanding of the conditions and situation is critical for any fight. If it is to be a long term fight, MT’s importance and contribution cannot be under-estimated. Impatience and shutting down MT will be a tragic mistake.
However, if the situation has reached a critical turning point, Bersih 2.0 must be successful and its success will become legendary in Malaysian history.
The leaders of the reform movement have to judge accurately whether such a critical turning point has been reached and whether it is worthwhile to commit everything to it.
Those of us at the bottom have not much choice – “ours not to reason why, ours but to do and die” thingy. However, before the fight in July, let me just voice the hope that Bersih 2.0 is not the end and that it will not be a do or die situation. Hopefully the reform movement will have resources and the strength (whether win or lose in July) to launch Bersih 3.0, Bersih 4.0, etc. ad infinitum.
In the meantime, please keep MT alive and strong, even if it is just to raise greater public indignation at good people falling off tall government buildings or to stop policemen defending themselves by shooting people at 45 degree angles at close range, as well as expose seniors bonking juniors in government service, top government servants viewing child pornography as no more serious than traffic offences and low ranking government servants viewing internet pornography as a regular pastime in government premises, etc.