‘M’sia was slow in probing Iranian-linked companies’

Washington was also concerned over Malaysia’s snail-paced move to replace its IAEA envoy who was sacked for voting against a resolution against Iran.

Just a week ago, another US diplomatic cable leaked by WikiLeaks revealed the attempt by an Iranian-linked Malaysian company, Electrics Component Limited, to purchase TRS-500 gyroscopes used for guiding missiles from China.

Syed Jaymal Zahiid, Free Malaysia Today

Washington was concerned with Malaysia’s slow progress in its probe into Malaysian companies suspected of illegal transshipment activities involving Iran, a US diplomatic cable revealed.

The cable, leaked by whistleblower site WikiLeaks and published in news portal Malaysia Today today, said Foreign Affairs Ministry deputy secretary general Zainol Abidin Omar was told to “redouble its effort” after he revealed that nothing concrete was found yet from the probe, launched following US pressure for action on the listed companies.

“’We have requested security agencies to initiate their investigations,’ but added that, thus far, ‘the investigation has not been able to unearth any activities that are in contravention to UN resolutions’,” Zainol was quoted as saying in the cable.

This followed the emphasis made by US diplomats Robert G Rapson and Poloff Nathan that the US has “strong concerns” about the companies listed and their activities, and urged the Malaysian government to work harder.

Just a week ago, another US diplomatic cable leaked by WikiLeaks revealed the attempt by an Iranian-linked Malaysian company, Electrics Component Limited, to purchase TRS-500 gyroscopes used for guiding missiles from China.

The US said that ECL was linked to Iranian firms “Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group (SHIG), which is Iran’s primary developer of liquid propellant ballistic missiles, and Heavy Metal Industries, a front company for the tactical missile developer Ya Mahdi Industries”.

Both SHIG and Ya Mahdi Industries are sanctioned under United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1737, the cable said, adding that the gyroscopes, used in ballistic and cruise missiles as well as unmanned aircraft, are prohibited for export to Iran under the same resolution.

It also said that ECL had links with another Malaysia-based front company Skylife Worldwide Sdn Bhd.

US doubts IAEA envoy replacement plan

The cable also disclosed Washington’s concern over the Malaysian government’s snail-paced move to replace its International Atomic Enforcement Agency (IAEA) envoy who was sacked for voting against a resolution against Iran.

Zainol had disclosed to the US diplomats that Mohd Arshad Manzoor Hussain was still the “interim” chairman of the IAEA Board of Governors despite pledges by the Najib administration to replace him immediately last year.

The delay of Arshad’s replacement was due the “sensitive” nature of the issue, said Zainol, added the US cable.

The cable revealed US’ dissatisfaction with the latter’s reply which said that Zainol was “coy in providing a direct answer”.


