Home Is Where My Heart Can Be At Ease To Serve

I came from a poor and dysfunctional family. My father was a rubber tapper and my mother was a homemaker. Despite the challenges to survive in a family of 9 siblings, all of us were able to finish tertiary education with 3 holding doctoral degrees. We helped one another and the last 5 siblings were able to attend the same universities in the United States.

By Kang Ho

In the 1980s, I received 8A’s for SRP. Thereafter, I transferred to a technical school and received 3A’s for SPM with Grade 1. My Malay schoolmates who received Grade 1 were sent overseas for further study and those who received Grade 2 were placed in local universities. My other Malay schoolmates who received Grade 3 were left behind in the same class as I in Form 6.

Back then, I knew something was not right and I lost focus to invest in studies in Malaysia. My teachers told me that the reason I was not treated the same as my Malay schoolmates was because of “kulitfication.”

I decided to try my luck in Singapore by enrolling in a parochial college and providing tutoring to support myself. Meanwhile, I saved enough money to go to the United States to finish my university education. I was also fortunate to have opportunities to receive my master and doctoral degrees. To sustain myself in universities, I worked in janitorial jobs, farmlands, cafeterias, restaurants, and libraries.

I came from a poor and dysfunctional family. My father was a rubber tapper and my mother was a homemaker. Despite the challenges to survive in a family of 9 siblings, all of us were able to finish tertiary education with 3 holding doctoral degrees. We helped one another and the last 5 siblings were able to attend the same universities in the United States.

Life in the United States is not without struggles. I encountered various hurdles during the process — family (divorced but happily married now), career (change of profession due to unethical politics), and health (I have 3 kidneys, the original 2 are dysfunctional and 1 belonged to a White friend!). I am currently a clinical psychotherapist counseling a variety of individuals who need guidance and support to put their lives back together. These individuals include former inmates/ex-criminals, drug addicts, alcoholics, domestic violence offenders, marital couples, as well as mental health patients. I enjoy my career through empowering these individuals to change their lives and bolstering them into good citizenship.

My school education, career training, and life experiences are able to equip me to assist people who are less fortunate than I am regardless of their race, religion, socio-economic status, and lifestyle. Coincidentally, most of my clients are Whites and Hispanics and I have no qualms accepting and treating them as one of my fellow human beings by providing them with hope and pointing them to a better future.

My wife is internationally recognized for her exquisite concerto performances in Asia and North American and has received numerous prizes and scholarships. She has a doctorate degree and teaches at a local university. She was from Hong Kong and used to play masterpieces with the orchestra on the National Day of China in Hong Kong. She performs at many concerts on university campuses and community festivals. She frequently receives rapturous acclaim and standing ovations for the performances.

In spite of our culture, language, and country of origin, we are well accepted and respected in our White majority community. We are able to contribute to our local community and live a meaningful and productive life. We are also able to own a big house with over 2 dozen fruit trees and a vegetable garden in our yard.

Where is home? Home is where my heart can be at ease to serve without being discriminated or sidelined due to my parental heritage, spiritual value, and lack of opportunities to attain my dreams.
