UMNO Blogger warns Chinese away from Bersih


(TMI) After a similar threat from Perkasa’s Datuk Ibrahim Ali Sunday, the Chinese community was yesterday warned against participating in next month’s Bersih rally via an email thread making its rounds to several media organisations here. [Watch video at: – MTadmin]

The email, sent by a self-proclaimed nationalist and blogger with the pseudonym “Panglima Perang Cyber” (cyber war commander), came with an attached video found on of the infamous May 1998 racial riots in Indonesia that caused the deaths of hundreds.

“Are the Chinese in Malaysia willing to accept the same fate as their brethren in Indonesia if our country goes into chaos?

“So let us 1 Malaysia Malay, Chinese and Indians reject the Bersih demonstration for the good of our grandchildren. Watch the video below,” the email read.

The email was delivered to the inboxes of 18 pro-Malay and pro-BN Facebook groups and carbon copied to media organisations like The Malaysian Insider, Berita Harian, Utusan Malaysia, Kosmo! and PAS organ Harakah.

The Malaysian Insider traced the writer to a blog site at where he/she described his/herself as a “defender of the country” who fights wholeheartedly for religion, race and the nation in the cyber world”.

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