Bersih 2.0 Stands for Democracy
By batsman
All Bersih is calling for is clean elections. This is an absolute democratic right of free citizens. Up till now, the UMNO government has been completely unresponsive and arrogant in denying electoral reforms.
Not only that the PM himself has blatantly indulged in bribing of voters (You scratch my back and I will scratch yours, you do good by me and I will make sure you get just rewards thingy). RTM 1, a government owned TV station has been campaigning openly in favour of BN party politics. The government machinery has been used in elections campaigns on behalf of the BN as claimed by Dragon Blood himself in his book.
All these and more need to be corrected such that democracy may exist and thrive in Malaysia. Bersih 2.0 is therefore for democracy and is proving itself to be the most patriotic NGO in Malaysia.
Those who call for the suppression of Bersih and make threats of reacting to Bersih’s actions by unleashing chaos and genocide are anti-democratic. This is very clear. There can be no doubts about this.
Luckily PAS has responded to all these threats against Bersih with resoluteness and integrity. PAS therefore stands together with Bersih 2.0 for democracy. PAS understands that if Bersih 2.0 is suppressed, much of the democratic rights of Malaysians will be rolled back as well. Evil people will reign supreme. Arrogance will strut its stuff. The checks against corruption will be greatly weakened. Good people will be cowed. Even more good people may fall off tall buildings.
There has been a lot of threats, claims and statements issued of late whether for or against Bersih 2.0. It is time for proving and testing.
Will those who are against Bersih 2.0 be proven to be full of hot air or smelly fart or will those who say they support Bersih 2.0 be proven to be full of hot air and smelly fart?
Will the Malaysian national character be determined by those for Bersih or against Bersih?
The Arabs proved that their characters are made of stern stuff when they responded to violence against peaceful demonstrations with even greater determination and bigger demonstrations. Will Malaysians prove to the world that their national character is one to be respected by the whole world or full of hot air and smelly fart? The proof of the pudding is in the eating.