Politicians and public, stop playing God
Since when did politicians assume that role of moral policing and being the guardian angles of society? Is that part of the duties and responsibilities that you marketed when canvassing for votes at impending elections?
By J. D. Lovrenciear
The avalanche of attacks against the personal credibility of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is mounting with each passing day without any sense of moral decency. Sexual promiscuity is the alleged crime.
The latest spasmodic attacks on Datuk Amiga are another attempt also by politicians and the public who are aligned to their masters. Again, the modus operandi is the same. It is a personal attack on the dignity of this Lady who earned accolades on the global stage. Utusan is latest to make such seething attacks on her.
It seems that our politicians and their supporters are hell bent in cleansing this nation of their so-called sinners. Oh, since when did politicians take on that role of God incarnate?
Since when did politicians assume that role of moral policing and being the guardian angles of society? Is that part of the duties and responsibilities that you marketed when canvassing for votes at impending elections?
Please. Get real. Stop profaning the time honored and revered Name of God (the One by whatever Name each religion proclaims in earnest). Stop playing God.
Are you saying that even if Anwar and Amiga have sinned (as you adamantly market to the masses), you, the very ones making such profane allegations are pure, virtuous and free of any sin before God? And are you saying that you now are the appointed and legitimate authority to judge others on behalf of God?
Dear Malaysians – especially all of you who are eking out a living working from the Main Stream Media, are you so incapacitated with the priorities of living that you cannot down your pens for once to stand up for humanity and its innate rights to a clean, fair and just life?
Dear Malaysians – especially all of you who are die-hards of any particular political party, are you so blinkered that you are incapable of standing up for humanity in the very name of the God you profess to be eternally faithful to? Or do you insist on playing the judge for God too all for the mere sake of keeping your bowl of rice for yourself?
Look, even if DSAI has sinned before God, why be a busybody and take on God’s business of judging a man? And who amongst you is so pure and virtuous before God, and has not sinned against God and His creation in any way whatsoever as contained in all of your scriptures and holy verses that you recite and subscribe to every day?
And if Ambiga is an enemy of Islam, are you not then admitting that you are very clearly championing the very sins that Islam is against, namely the sins of injustice and unfairness against the democratic rights of humanity?
Indeed it is shame when you witness all these cries of sin by politicians, the main stream media and the public aligned to the very politicians who cry ‘sinner’.
Perhaps the time has also come for all heads and leaders of the respective religions in Malaysia to champion a national coalition protest against all those who are out to desecrate the sanctity of God and the dignity of His creation. The time has come for leaders and shepherds of the faithful (all religions) to make a public stand.
Otherwise we are all party to the sin against God and creation. Period.