The (Half) Idiot’s Guide to Bersih 2.0

Bersih 2.0 is a repeat of the first rally, as a follow up (it is good to follow up don’t you think?), scheduled July 9th, 2011  to again demand for electoral reform, since the Election Commisson (EC) slept through the demands for the past three and a half years.

By The Flaccid Mind

1. What is Bersih?

Bersih is ‘tak kotor‘, which means clean in Malay. I thought we all naturally support anything that is clean? You suka kotor?

On November 10, 2007, Malaysians from all walks of life whose had NBTD took a boring walk (well, not so for those who had to dodge tear gasses &  chemical water cannons at some points, no offence) while looking silly in yellow shirt, yellow headband, yellow handbags, yellow pants, yellow skin or any hint of yellow colour on them from several locations towards Istana Negara to send a memorandum to the King demanding electoral reform. The demands were:

1. Usage of indelible ink (which has already been agreed to by the Electoral Commission, which then canceled it off at the last hour before 2008 General Election)

2. Clean-up of registered voters roll (what took them so long so hard to do it, really?)

3. Abolition of  postal votes, and (not done)

4. All candidates and political parties have equal access to print and broadcast media. (not done)

Close to 20 people were arrested and no policemen were injured during the rally. Some went back with wet t-shirt and teary-looking eyes, thanks to some trigger happy dudes who swore to protect and serve the citizens.

2. What is Bersih 2.o?

Bersih 2.0 is a repeat of the first rally, as a follow up (it is good to follow up don’t you think?), scheduled July 9th, 2011  to again demand for electoral reform, since the Election Commisson (EC) slept through the demands for the past three and a half years. Well, you have to try again right? Why we need another rally? Why can’t we sit down and discuss? Well, we have done discussing and it is time to make a point. The EC has been postponing discussions, giving excuses and more lame excuses all this while and suddenly now come Bersih 2.0 they want to discuss again? (while giving ultimatum to Bersih to call off the rally. Seriously? You care about the rally or the demands for electoral reform?)

3. Is Bersih 2.0 a political ploy to topple the government, CIA’s agent, trying to revive communism, a tool by Muslim haters and here..>?

Look at the 8 demands  by Bersih 2.0 :

1. Clean up the electoral roll. Again. (what fucking took the EC so long to do it? Bunch of incompetent goons.)

2. Reform postal voting. Again. (still not done and the EC actually makes it harder now for postal votes counting process to be impartial with some stupid new rules, I cannot remember it so you google it up)

3. Use of indelible ink. Again. (nothing done over this promise by EC and now they are suggesting for the use of biometric system. You cannot even implement this cheap indelible ink idea you want to use biometric system? Are you dumb?)

4. Introduce a minimum 21-day campaign period. (this is a new demand, because the EC is blardy inconsistent with the given campaign period. 21 day is just right, not too long, not too short and should be enough time for all parties to prepare for D-day. 1st election this country had, campaign period was 42 days. Now? 2 weeks. Some voters don’t even know who are the candidates in some elections.)

5. Allow all parties free and equal access the media. Again. (well, you need a fair, equal footing or fighting ground for a fair fight and to win the fight respectably.)

6. Strengthen public institution. (I am not quite sure how asking EC to fulfill this demand)

7. Stop corruption. (during the election time, some parties often resorted to pork-barrel corruption, going blatantly without regards to the laws)

8. Stop dirty politics. (Well, yeah. It’s only dirty when you want it to be dirty. We should aim for election where candidates talk about policies they offer to voters. Not about sex. Slander.)

Any of the demands above is political? Bias to any political party? And if any of the demands above is achieved, does it has anything to do with communism, religion, foreign espionage bla bla bla? Opposition parties are seen openly supporting Bersih 2.0 because they always have been at disadvantage in any election and they just want an equal chances to win the people’s votes. Isn’t that a fair request? All political parties should demand for this, an equal chance. Unless you’re a quack.

And just because many opposition parties are supporting Bersih 2.o it is an opposition agenda?  How you know for sure by having a reformed electoral system, the opposition will win for sure if there is any election? If they put donkey candidate, they may not win the election. Is it because of donkey, monkey, frog also can win in any election now that we need an electoral reform.

4. I still think the best way is to vote wisely during the election.

How you are going to make sure your vote is worth what it is if the system is not fair? Your vote can be canceled out anytime by deceased voters ‘coming back’ to vote, sudden influx of postal votes because the system is not clean enough. Why Malaysians overseas are having a tough time trying to fulfill their responsibility because the EC is not taking enough steps to help or let them vote? Why allow postal votes for some groups and not others when they are all cannot be present physically at their constituency during polling day? Fair?

5. I cannot join Bersih 2.0 rally because…

Afraid? The government wants you to be afraid. That is why the intimidation and over the top reactions by the government to stop anything about Bersih 2.0. Well, you can be isolated, be ignored, be attacked, be in doubt, be frightened but DO NOT be silenced. Our life begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. There is strength in numbers, for that we shall fear and be silenced. The weak can become strong when they are united.

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