Najib, is your AG anti-Islam? Does your administration condone the vilification of Islam?

The People’s Parliament

Malaysianinsider reported yesterday that, whilst speaking to a large crowd in Pasir Putih, Kelantan, Najib said that BERSIH 2.0 chairperson Ambiga was ‘the one who threatened Islam’.

No elaboration on when and how she is supposed to have made the threat.

A vile and unsubstantiated allegation.

I’ve known Ambiga for over a decade now and have known her to always be most respectful of all faiths and beliefs, without exception.

I’m not alone. Many members of the Bar will bear testimony to this.

Perhaps Najib should desist in unsubstantiated attacks against Ambiga and explain why charges of sedition for a most vile and filthy attack on the faith of the Malays in this country by Syeditious Akbar ali were dropped by the Attorney General’s chambers.

The charge sheet, in PDF, is linked below again for your ease of reference.

Charge Sheet against Seditious Akbar Ali

You will note that it is dated 6th May, 2008 and signed by DPP Mohamed Hanafiah bin Zakaria, the same day, according to Syeditious post dated 18th October, 2010, that he was charged in court.

It is fair to assume that someone in the AG’s chambers had, before Syeditious was charged, scrutinized the investigation papers submitted by the police authorities and had formed the view that Syeditious comments were indeed seditious and warranted the preferring of charges.

Hence the charges in court on 6th May, 2008 upon the terms as appear in the charge sheet.

And I cannot imagine that anyone who has since read the full tenor of Syeditious comments, however much they disliked the sedition laws, would argue that he did not deserve to be charged for such an insensitive and hateful attack.

In my related post yesterday, I had shared how, after Syeditious had received advise of legal counsel, he had asked that no moves be made to raise techncal objections until he gave further instructions, and when those instructions finally came, it was that no such technical objections were to be taken as the case against him would be dropped.

As Syeditious had predicted, the charges were subsequently dropped.


