Do You Not Sense Stupidity At Its best?

By Mind No Evil

I honestly think that most UMNO/BN leaders have all gone berserk over the Bersih issue. However, there are some sensible and like minded UMNO/BN leaders though. These opposing factions within UMNO/BN must have sense a serious threat to their position and status.

Not a day is without a statement from an UMNO/BN leader condemning the intended Bersih rally as a real threat to national security. What threat to national security are they talking about when the rally is all about the expression and demands of the people’s rights to free and fair elections? Even SUHAKAM deemed the rally as within the bounds of the people’s rights. The legal fraternity echoes a similar view. 

Threat to national security is the ‘tag line’ the government has been saying all along; contrary to the claims made by Bersih which the government denounces. Now who are we to believe? The latest and the most unthinkable and outrageous statement came from none other than Malacca Chief Minister Ali Rustam. He had suggested that Ambiga’s citizenship be stripped off or that she is declared a restricted resident and her movements curtailed. Do we not see the stupidity in Ali Rustam? What reasoning is this? Like all others, Ali Rustam reasoned that the Bersih rally is all about causing apprehension, fear and untold destruction to the country. Now, to counter this perceived fear, PESAKA a Malay martial arts organization is ready to deploy 4 million of its members to join the rally to act against Bersih provocateurs’. This is unbelievable; 4 million and where is that number coming from, I wonder?

Now, who is Ali Rustam trying to lie? May I ask him who the provocateurs are?


