For the love of a nation’s constitutional monarchy, its people and in the name of freedom

The global community of civil society cannot merely issue grand statements of concern for these are already being blatantly ignored by the authorities. They need to show the world that they mean, act and do bring about democracy for humanity – giving back to society their basic right to free and fair governance.

By J. D. Lovrenciear

The global society of humanity must act now before another nation plunges in darkness as there is only so many minutes left on the hour glass of despair.

Indeed it is conclusive even to an uninitiated street bumpkin that Malaysia is at the crossroads of creating genocide against humanity’s fundamental rights to peaceful and fair existence on its own turf.

The Malaysian authorities, namely the police and the political party leaders who form the government of the day are indeed behaving in an extremely high handed manner. Their actions speak volumes of gross injustice, hardship, frustrations and undue fears inflicted upon the citizens of this land. It is oppression for want of a better word.

The global community of civil society cannot merely issue grand statements of concern for these are already being blatantly ignored by the authorities. They need to show the world that they mean, act and do bring about democracy for humanity – giving back to society their basic right to free and fair governance.

It is time for the global society of leaders, investors, bankers, traders, politicians and even governments to hear the plight of the humble citizens of Malaysia who have been unsuccessfully crying out merely for an avenue to express their desire to have a clean, fair and free electoral system.

But this simple, basic and peaceful demand which is the right of every society is being lambasted with so many obstacles and insults and fears and intimidation and detentions that can easily run a nation into utter confusion and chaos. Chaos must be averted but not at the expense of civil liberties and true democracy.

Even the country’s Constitutional monarch’s olive branch of wisdom offered has been run over by the powers that be. It indicates the end of the road for his subjects.

Hence the global community of leaders, protectors, champions, vanguards and believers of true democracy and civil liberties must demonstrate that they do have the power and the means to help societies before they crumble under the heavy hand of brute law enforcers.

Malaysians are known the world over as a very tolerant society despite their multi religious and multi ethnic roots. But today Malaysia stands on the edge of its steepest slope that will determine whether the country plunges into anarchy and repressive political control or rises to the new world’s order of true democracy and civil liberties.

The ultimate is no more in the hands of the Malaysians at this point in time. The writings on the wall are all very clear and indicative that Malaysia’s democratic history is being brutalized by political power brokers and leaders of the nation’s longest serving government.

If the global community can decisively demonstrate that they have what it takes to free a nation of people from the clutches that threaten to take away the basic and fundamental rights of humanity, namely the right to demonstrate peacefully their concern for electoral reforms that can guarantee clean, fair and free elections, the world can celebrate the glorious success.

We hope America and the rest of developed world of leaders and business community can and will act, decisively and not posthumously as has been the case in history. it will save the region of further instability.
