See you on 9 July, around 2:00 pm, Stadium Merdeka

Malaysia is a police state where the rule of law is meaningless; where the law and legal processes instead of being tools of justice and fairness become tools of cruelty and oppression; and where the police work in cahoots with the AG’s Chambers and the judiciary with impunity. 

By Lawyers for Liberty

Despite offering a major compromise to hold the Bersih “Free and Fair Elections” rally at Stadium Merdeka, the Prime Minister, Home Minister and the police have snubbed Bersih’s offer in good faith and instead maintained that Bersih is still “illegal” and continued with their campaign of terror which essentially confirmed Malaysia’s police state status.

In the weeks leading up to 9 July, the authorities have acted in the most malicious, ridiculous and extreme manner: banning Bersih; banning all related symbols including the word “Bersih” and the colour yellow; arresting hundreds including Members of Parliament, opposition and civil society activists on the remotest connection to Bersih including “secretly” wearing Bersih T-shirts and wearing yellow. Many more have been unnecessarily remanded and charged for criminal offences, and most oppressive of all is the detention without trial of 6 PSM leaders including MP Dr. Jeyakumar under the Emergency Ordinance on blatantly false and absurd charges.

Let there be no doubt: Malaysia is a police state where the rule of law is meaningless; where the law and legal processes instead of being tools of justice and fairness become tools of cruelty and oppression; and where the police work in cahoots with the AG’s Chambers and the judiciary with impunity.

Peaceful protest is a vital part of a democratic society and has a very long and respected tradition in Malaysia. Just look back at the historic protests against the Malayan Union and more importantly the All Malaya HARTAL in 1947.

Many of the rights and freedoms we enjoy today were gained because the Rakyat were prepared to go out on the streets and protest. The right to peaceful protest is enshrined in the Malaysian Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and numerous other international human rights instruments. And no IGP or Home Minister can decree that our right to peaceful assembly is suspended no matter what they claim the oppressive laws state.

Despite the campaign of terror and other dirty tactics, the Rakyat will gather peacefully on 9 July. Exercise caution but do not be overly cautious.

We shall endure the traffic jam, police roadblock, inane questioning, harassment, verbal abuse, chemical-laced water cannon, tear gas, beating, arrest and detention.

And in the process don’t forget Bersih’s 8 Demands for Free and Fair Elections.

See you on 9 July, around 2:00 pm, Stadium Merdeka.
