Showdown at Menara Maybank
(FMT) – KUALA LUMPUR: Thousands have started marching towards Stadium Merdeka and are currently at Menara Maybank to meet other groups there.
The police have started firing tear gas and their water cannons at the crowd.
The protesters, who came together from various locations, were chanting, among others, “Hidup Rakyat” and “Bersih”.
According to reports from the ground, the crowd could be as big as 10,000 and the number was expected to grow as more groups of protesters join in.
At Pudu Plaza, more than 1,000 are also heading towards Stadium Merdeka. DAP MP Tony Pua estimated the figure to be at 3,000.
Chants of “Bersih” and “Hancur BN, Hidup Rakyat” reveberates as many of the protesters wave the Malaysian flag, drawings cheers and applause from onlookers.