Wahai Hishammuddin
By Spiderman
There is a concept in equity which says that only those with clean hands should come to the table.
Or something like that. Anyway, I gather Hishammuddin Hussein being a lawyer is familiar with this concept. So he should refrain from commenting on the noble effort by Malaysians who gathered yesterday to march for a better electoral system. Until he and other cabinet ministers agree to declare their assets publicly, I don’t think any Malaysians should bother listening to them.
You may think I am being too harsh or even digressing from the issue at hand but I think this is really a crucial question.
Let me put it this way. Would you listen to or take advice from a criminal, thief, robber, conman, crook, corrupt individual, person with ill-gotten gains or someone who is integrity-challenged?
Nine out of 10 individuals would not, I believe.
So why should we, taxpayers and law-abiding citizens of Malaysia, take heed of what individuals who don’t want to disclose their assets say? Hishammuddin lives in the lap of luxury. Can he justify his fleet of luxury cars, private education for his children and overseas properties? Just like other cabinet ministers he won’t.
So who is he to pass judgement on honest blue collar workers and professionals who breached the so-called security blanket around the city. (I mean if some harmless men and women can make their way to Merdeka Stadium despite heavy police presence, God forbid we are ever invaded by a foreign power.)
He says that Bersih’s agenda has been assumed by Pakatan Rakyat. His evidence: there were shouts of Reformasi!. He says that the Election Commission need not entertain any more claims by Bersih.
Hey, I thought the EC is independent so why is the home minister telling it what to do?
He and the government can delude themselves all they. But this was a turnout of middle Malaysia, one-time supporters of Umno. These are people who make an honest living and believe that they deserve better. What they don’t need is condescending views from individuals who don’t have the moral standing or a spine.
Everyone would like their leaders to be men and women of integrity. Can Hishammuddin or any other cabinet minister stand up to any scrutiny? Their actions in not wanting to declare their assets publicly suggests they can’t.