Malaysia’s civil servants demoralized
They are tired of the warnings and threats. They are exhausted from the feeling that they are being monitored. And they certainly detest the reality that if they go against the marching orders of their menteri, they will suffer consequences.
By J. D. Lovrenciear
The Prime Minister of Malaysia is either completely ignorant or he is being grossly misinformed by his lieutenants. Worse, he still thinks he can have things his way all the way. What he needs to admit is that civil servants are largely disillusioned by the misdeeds of the government they report to, with the turn of events leading to and resulting from the Bersih 2.0.
From security guard to Pengarah, the millions of employees on the government’s payroll are disillusioned. They are tired of all the ‘perintah’ and marching orders telling them what they can and cannot do even when the Constitution says otherwise.
Talk to any civil servant in his or her taman and the response you will get is a head shake of despair, a murmuring of disgust, and a sense of helplessness and in an extreme case even a glance of suspicion fearing you may be an agent informer.
They are tired of the warnings and threats. They are exhausted from the feeling that they are being monitored. And they certainly detest the reality that if they go against the marching orders of their menteri, they will suffer consequences.
And the civil servants know that the price they may have to pay for standing up for their innate conscience of humanity is a cold storage, a far-off transfer, freeze on promotion, nudged into tendering a resignation, etc.
They are tired of having to sacrifice their souls to the devil simply to safeguard their bread and butter needs for self and family. They are growing weary and are silently crying out from deep within their human hearts for a day when they can stand up without fear or favor, like all other citizens, for true democracy.
Even the uniformed men and women in blue keep telling themselves that they will be absolved in having to do what they have been ordered to do because these men and women sincerely do not support the atrocious brutality against their own kind who have only stood against corruption, greed, unjust and oppressive circumstances.
Unfortunately, sadly and foolishly the powers that be continue preaching through their tightly controlled media mouth-pieces their own brand of governance that they believe is a water-tight strategy for keeping them in power.
But the ordinary citizens all know that their civil servant neighbors truly detest the increasing pressure exerted upon them to come here, go there and take part in this and that to showcase a make-believe support for the ruling (misruling) government. Quietly they will whisper “Ikut arahan sahaja”.
The civil servants are tired. They are disillusioned. They are just waiting for the weakest link in the system before breaking loose. This is human nature. And civil servants are humans like every one of us.
Surely these civil servants in their private and communal moments of prayer before their Creator are asking for mercy and protection to come speedily to them. They know that the hundreds of thousands of citizens, young and old, braved the oppression to make the nation a better country. For among those Bersih 2.0 soldiers of courage were the civil servants’ children, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters and even parents. This, the PM and his entourage is forgetting so easily and conveniently.
Indeed then, Malaysia is about to enter its last stage of labor before a new life is born giving hope for a better, cleaner and greater Malaysia. And all Malaysians and their revered Constitutional Monarch will rejoice as true democracy and a sovereign nationhood is restored.
The day the civil servants say enough is enough and rightfully turn to their revered and promising King, that is the day the nation will leave its last bastion of doom and enter its new beginning for a better tomorrow. It is just waiting to happen, Mr. Prime Minister no matter how much you may twist their arms.