Lies, lies and shameless lying through their teeth

In the face of all these denials the government even has the audacity to threaten legal action against the media world for publishing the facts and truth.

By J. D. Lovrenciear

It is mind blowing. How do ministers as well as all those charged with leadership responsibilities lie through their teeth knowing full well that not just 28 million people have seen the evidence but the entire global community of people do know what actually happened at Bersih 2.0 on July 19, 2011?

It insults. It hurts. It really is very frightening when you start wondering how a government and its agencies could adamantly disclaim solid, real first eye witness accounts backed with hard evidence showing the way the police went about brutalizing and intimidating the citizens at the rally.

There are citizens carrying photos of experiences in their cell phones. The blogs have posted evidences. The world press have published hard evidences. Television stations around the globe have showcased snippets of the real life drama. And yet the government denies.

Celebrated individuals and professionals around the world have written stinging remarks against the police brutality shown against its own citizens. Global organizations have clearly demonstrated their shock at the way the government went about dealing with its citizens. And our so-called leaders still choose to deny?

Mahathir always believed that when you tell a lie all too often or persistently peddle it, people will start believing it. If that is the paradigm from where our government is operating from, you must be worse off than the turkey really.

Now, fraternities of doctors from the Tung Shin hospital have stepped forward to state in no uncertain terms that the police did break an international code of ethics by infringing onto hospital premises. And the leader representing Health Care in Malaysia makes an outright denial. And to cap it off, another leader from BN makes a mockery of the truth.

What is all these? A joke? Or is someone putting a gun to the heads of spokespersons?

And in the face of all these denials the government even has the audacity to threaten legal action against the media world for publishing the facts and truth. Does it not make this nation look extremely foolish in the eyes of a globalizing world? Is this not treason of the highest order – shaming a nation in the most damned manner?

One citizen died and the top most leaders make a jest out of it. Others demean the bereaved family members.

People were injured. Many more were hurt physically. Young and old suffered. And the government has no qualms in shaming the citizens even more? And it is even threatening hints to the wind that it can marshal millions more to create “chaos”. Why?

Why? Whatever has got into the heads of our so-called chosen leaders? Look, honorable men and women and respected organizations here and abroad are speaking up against the crime committed on peaceful citizens and the authorities are breathing more hell-bent fire on its citizens by making more denials, showing zero compassion, and displaying absolutely no cares or even any iota of remorse of conscience.

And to cap it with even more atrocity, various channels are being employed to fan hatred and suspicion and condemnation against its own citizens. Why? What does the government want in the final analysis?

Why so much of lies, lies and shameless lies even when every corner of the nation and the four corners of the world are saying that the government was wrong in its ways?

Something is seriously very wrong. It is beginning to seem even more frightening to think what else is coming.

This madness must stop. And it better stop yesterday not just for the love of rakyat and king but also for the region and the world at large. Do not for a single moment forget that when the world gets angry at these persistent lies, the price cannot be paid.

