Picture source: End of Empire by Brian Lapping, ISBN 0-246-11969-1, Refer to page 333
Take a long good look at the image above; the subtitle in the top right corner reads: ‘Disperse or we shoot’, in English, Greek and Turkish on a British army lorry. It shows the British occupational army in Cyprus warning the public who are rallying for their freedom.
By The Rubicon
In the run up to the now historical BERSIH 2.0 rally calling for free and fair elections, the BN government did many things to scare Malaysian into staying away from the rally. The government’s threat to its own citizens reached the apex of incredulity during a joint exercise between Federal Reserve Unit and Royal Malay Regiment on July 6th, three days before the BERSIH rally were to take place. Malaysiakini headlined its report “Army’s simulation exercise: Disperse, or we’ll shoot” on July 6th here:
The authorities issued threats against those intending to participate in BERSIH 2.0 rally by showcasing the kind punishment meted out to those violating the ban on ‘illegal’ rallies. Among the banners held up during the exercise the most conspicuous one reads:’BERSURAILAH KAMU KALAU TIDAK KAMI TEMBAK’ (‘Disperse. If not, we’ll shoot’)
Translations of the stern message in Tamil and Chinese were repeated along with a transliteration in the ‘Jawi’ script is repeated in the banner as shown in the picture below:
The notion of security forces of a democratic government threatening to shoot the general public for participating in a peaceful rally is beyond comprehension, unless of course if it’s a threat from an occupational army as the image below shows. (Click on the image below)
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