Voter registration – I see dead people (dwi-bahasa)

Government offices outnumbered even EC in getting voters registered. Given the voting trend in Putrajaya, it is not inconceivable to imagine that the administration of today view, and insist upon that civil servants suppose to be their fixed deposits of votes, together with the much maligned postal voters. How many from government offices been rejected?

By Lee Wee Tak

I confess I do write this piece somewhat influenced by the trust issue I have with the notion that the Election Commission is totally impartial and beyond reproach.

Saya mengakui karangan saya ini dipengaruhi oleh kepincangan keyakinan saya terhadap Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya sebagai sebuah pertubuhan nan seratus peratus saksama serta sempurna dalam segala tata tertibnya.


Sunday July 17, 2011
Political parties bring in the most but 40% are ineligibleBy SHAHANAAZ HABIB and RASHVINJEET S. BEDI
[email protected]

PUTRAJAYA: Voter registration numbers have gone up significantly, thanks to efforts by political parties.

But some 40% of the new voters they have registered turned out to be ineligible.

“Some are dead, underage or already registered voters,” said Election Commission (EC) chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof.


Election Commission (EC) chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof has disclosed that 40% of the registered voters have been rejected and also the biggest contributors of new voters are political parties.
Menurut Pengerusi SPR, Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof , 40% daripada permohonan pendaftaran pengundi baru telah ditolak dan sumber pendaftaran terbesar adalah daripada parti-parti politik.

40% wastage rate is too excessive. Go ask any factory supervisor who is worth his salt. And among the reasons for rejection include dead people and underage persons. Now that is taking “I see dead people” statement a bit too far.

Kadar tolakan 40% rasanya terlampau tinggi. Cuba tanyalah madur-mandur kilang yang tahu kerja mereka adakah kadar ini munasabah. Antara sebab pendaftaran ditolak adalah kerana pengundi baru itu termasuk orang sudah meninggal dan belum cukup usia. Ini sudah tidak munasabah, seperti mana dalam wayangduu yang terkenal dengan ungkapan “saya boleh nampak orang yang sudah meninggal” .

It is difficult to imagine honest and reasonable registers failed to see the dead and the infant in front of him.

Amat sukar membayangkan seorang pekerja mendaftarkan pengundi yang jujur dan berfikiran gagal mengesan orang meninggal atau bayi yang berdiri di depannya.

Interestingly, he did not disclose from which source the majority of the rejected registration originated from.

Lebih menarik lagi, beliau tidak mendedahkan sumber-sumber pendaftaran yang ditolak.

Did Abdul Aziz mention the rejection rate among the political parties? No he didn’t and given that political parties are the chief contributors and in the light of transparency and accountability, he should. In fact, the EC should return the rejection forms to the respective originators with good reasons for subsequent follow up. It could be honest mistake and to the cost of genuine eligible voters.

Adakah beliau menyatakan kadar pendaftaran ditolak antara parti-parti politik? Jawapannya dalah tidak dan memandangkan bahawa parti-parti politik merupakan penyumbang utama, dan demi menegakkan ketelusan, beliau patut memberikan maklumat yang sempurna. Bahkan, pihak SPR harus mengembalikan borang-borang pendaftaran nan sudah ditolak kepada semua pekerja pendaftar dengan alasan yang jelas supaya pembetulan boleh dibuat. Mungkin kesalahan itu hanyalah kesilapan nan boleh dibetulkan supaya kepentingan pengundi yang betul-betul layak tidak dijejaskan.

When I went round assisting to register voters, a genuine Malaysian in his 20s told me that he registered himself 2 years ago and until today, his name never appeared in the voter’s roll. I doubled checked and confirmed that this was the case and resubmitted his registration form.

Semasa saya membantu mendaftarkan pengundi di kawasan saya, seorang rakyat Malaysia usia 20’an yang betul-betul layak memaklumkan kepada saya bahawa meskipun beliau sudah mendaftarkan dirinya 2 tahun dahulu tetapi namanya belum disenaraikan lagi. Saya periksa juga dan mengenalpasti bahawa namanya benar-benar tercicir dan telah menghantar semula borang beliau.

From this single incident, I am skeptical that if the abovementioned 40% rejection rate does not include instances like the above gentlemen?

Daripada peristiwa tunggal tersebut, mungkinkah pendaftaran 40% yang telah ditolak itu termasuk kejadian seperti di atas?

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