Dear Ahmad Azman Saaiya

My dear brother Ahmad Azman Saaiya, I can only surmise that MCKK has failed you terribly and what the founding fathers hoped MCKK would achieve has been lost on you. How MCKK failed you so miserably is beyond me and if this is what MCKK has produced, demonstrated by your comments, then I can only conclude that an MCKK education has been wasted on you at a great loss to the taxpayers.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Dear Ahmad Azman Saaiya,

I am addressing you as a fellow Budak Kolej, the only way I should. I trust, therefore, you will take what I write in the spirit it was written, a letter from one brother to another.

It has always been our college tradition that we are all brothers and nothing should come between us, whether differences in politics or religion. There are some Budak Kolej who are very pious to a fault and others who live their lives that would make even Satan blush.

Nevertheless, we always live and let live and to each his own. We do not pass judgment or moralise. And we certainly do not demonstrate self-righteousness and adopt a holier than thou attitude.

And in that spirit Tan Sri Sanusi Junid, one of the more illustrious of Budak Kolej, visited me three times in Manchester over the last two years. Tan Sri regards me as a Budak Kolej first and an enemy of Umno second.

That is the spirit of Budak Kolej as demonstrated by your Umno brethren, Tan Sri Sanusi Junid.

Ahmad Azman, let me take you on a trip down memory lane and talk about Sir Richard James Wilkinson, the son of a British Consul in Greece who was born in 1867 at Salonika, Greece.

Wilkinson was educated at Trinity College in Cambridge. He was multilingual and commanded a few languages, which include French, German, Greek, Italian, Spanish, and later, Bahasa Melayu and Hokkien.

Wilkinson’s career started in 1889 as a cadet after joining the Straits Settlements Civil Service. His other posts while serving in the Straits Settlements were:

    * 1896 – 1898  Acting Director of Education, Penang
    * 1898 – 1900  Acting Inspector General of Schools in the Straits Settlements, Singapore
    * 1902 – 1903  Transferred to Dindings, Perak
    * 1903 – 1906  Acting Inspector of Schools for the Federated Malay States
    * 1906 – 1910  Secretary General to the British Resident (EW) Birch in Perak
    * 1910 – 1911  British Resident, Negeri Sembilan
    * 1911 – 1916  Colonial Secretary, Straits Settlements, Singapore

Now, why am I talking about Wilkinson? Well, first of all, because his legacy includes the establishment of the Malay Training College in Malacca in 1900, which was eventually succeeded in 1922 by the Sultan Idris Training College (SITC) at Tanjung Malim. However, more importantly, at least to you and me, would be in 1905 he founded the Malay Residential School, later to be called the Malay College Kuala Kangsar (MCKK), the school that you and I received our education.

One very important point to note, Ahmad Azman, and which all Budak Kolej are very proud to remind everyone, is that Wilkinson described the type of education we would need as follows:

“… that would produce a vigorous and intelligent race of young men who will be in touch with modern progress but not out of touch with old traditions; who will be liberally educated but not educated out of sympathy with their own families and people; who will be manly and not effeminate, strong-minded but not strong willed, acknowledging a duty to others instead of being a law unto themselves and who will be fit to do something in the world instead of settling down into fops, spendthrifts or drones”.

E.W. Birch, the British Resident of Perak from 1904-1910 and a member of the MCKK Board of Governors, being public school educated himself, moulded MCKK along the lines of British public schools such as Eton and Harrow — where leaders such as Churchill and Nehru passed through.

Birch wanted to ensure that MCKK would adapt the public school ethos of character development and noblesse oblige where people of high social position should behave nobly towards others.

My dear brother Ahmad Azman Saaiya, I can only surmise that MCKK has failed you terribly and what the founding fathers hoped MCKK would achieve has been lost on you. How MCKK failed you so miserably is beyond me and if this is what MCKK has produced, demonstrated by your comments (read here: (, then I can only conclude that an MCKK education has been wasted on you at a great loss to the taxpayers.

