VC: Ibrahim Ali award not approved yet

The university’s vice-chancellor has clarified that the award is still at its proposal stage.

(Free Malaysia Today) – Two days ago UiTM announced that nominations were open for its newly introduced Ibrahim Ali award.

Today its vice-chancellor, Professor Sahol Abdul Hamid, clarified that the award is only in the proposal stage.

UiTM’s Institut Pemikiran dan Kepimpinan Melayu (Impak) had put up detailed information on the award which was mooted by Ibrahim during a unity forum with Impak last October.

According to Impak, the award would be granted to students who have displayed “clear and consistent” principles in upholding their race. They will receive a cash prize of RM5,000 sponsored by Ibrahim himself.

The independent Pasir Mas MP had studied in UiTM from 1971 to 1974 during which he was involved in anti-government protests and detained for two years under the Internal Security Act (ISA).

But Sahol explained via Facebook this morning that the award was solely Ibrahim’s initiative and that the university had no hand in making the recommendation.

He also said that the award proposal had to be brought to the senate for approval before being presented to the board of directors for endorsement.

“This isn’t an easy process and it will take time as every debate in the senate is an in-depth one,” Sahol stated. “The senate comprises 60 professors, two deans and campus rectors. Each will make an individual decision.”

“There will be no lobbying or coercion. The senate is the strongest and highest body in UiTM. It knows what is best and will make appropriate suggestions as to the award’s title. But before this could take place, a department’s website had already begun promoting the award.”

A check on Impak’s website this morning, however, revealed that the announcement of the award has since been removed.


