DSAI…I think therefore I write


Kemana kita pergi sekarang? Where do we go from here? The chatter from those that do read what I have written these last few weeks on DSAI is mixed….but in the majority gunning for me lock stock and barrel. Them are the breaks when you dare to put your thoughts into the public domain…but I am not moved either way.

Back up a bit and let us think….or to be more exact..let me think and as I think I will put my thoughts on paper…you read and you think!

Do I write for money? Yes! I will write for a magazine, for newspaper for anybody if the money is right and if what I am told to write is something I want to write about. …understand this….I cannot write to order. I cannot keep hantaming Najib and BN/UMNO if I have nothing to write about. You guys are not stupid – you can read and work out in your head if what I write if true or false, right or wrong, lies or truth. And I am referring to the majority of you. There will always be a few who will insists that a Biduan and Banduan are one and the same thing – and there is even one who has insisted that I have a brother by the name of Katib! But that is the world we live in…what I hope to do is to “talk” to those of you who wants to listen to what I have to say…and I will give you the courtesy to listening to you back.

As I have said earlier – I cannot write bad about Najib if I have nothing bad to write about him….and again “bad” is subjective. Anything is subjective depending on which side of the fence you are standing on. But you and I know that you cannot play Rugby with a Soccer ball. Nor can you play tennis with a badminton racket. Here in Australia the Prime Minister Julia Gillard lives in the Prime Minister residence with her partner – not a husband – but a partner. To all intents and purpose, he is her official “husband” – going on official visits and any state functions. This kind of arrangement will never be tolerated in Malaysia.

In Malaysia too if you are a Muslim you cannot be found eating in  public during Ramadan. I think you get my drift – if you profess to be a Muslim, which Anwar does – what he does in his private and public life must conform to the Islamic way of things. Just because UMNO leaders have indulged in unislamic activities does not make it okay for other Muslim leaders to do so! Just because UMNO had indulged in corruption, nepotism and serious abuse of their position in public office should not in any way allow us to even shut one eye to any failings of anyone if that someone is aspiring to be a leader in Malaysia. If we do so, for whatever reason, we run the risk of allowing that leader to second guess us as to what he can and cannot do in government.

You want to know what it is that I have to tell about Anwar that you do not know? You know that he was part and parcel of that corrupt and arrogant UMNO when he was in UMNO. But do you know how corrupt and how arrogant Anwar was then? You know that he has been accused of sodomy – not once but twice. Do any of you know for sure that he did commit sodomy? He has been accused by the 3 Datuks of having sex with a prostitute. Do any of you know for sure whether he did or did not do so? 99.999% of you simply have no clue of the real truth…but that does not prevent you from jumping to Anwar’s defence!

Of course Anwar has been unfairly reviled, harassed and accused of so many things by UMNO. So has Najib, so has Mahathir and Pak Lah. The truth is known to so few and it is only when the few tell their story that the 99.999% will know the real story. The real story about Anwar is still to be told.


