Enough is enough. The PSM 6 must be released.
Please join us tomorrow afternoon and rally for their release.
Date: Friday, 22 July
Time: 3.00pm
Venue: Ibu Pejabat PDRM, Bukit Aman
Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=121511867942164
If there is a case that exemplifies the third world basket case mentality of Malaysia’s criminal justice system – this should be it.
Perhaps universities around the world can use this as a case study on how state institutions like the police, judiciary, AG’s Chambers can have all the infrastructures, resources, training, personnel, public relations, catchy mottos and Facebook pages they require but without accountability, transparency and checks and balances – they count for nothing.
How else can you contextualise the fabricated “waging war” charges against the 30 PSM members based on some communist-inspired T-shirts and PSM literature? How else can you explain the excessive remand order from Sessions Court judge Amernudin Ahmad and affirmed by High Court judge Zamani Abdul Rahim?
One wonders whether judges who attended the recent Commonwealth Magistrates’ and Judges’ Conference 2011 in Kuala Lumpur had a good laugh while listening to the PM’s speech stating that Malaysia is committed to safeguarding and ensuring the continued independence of the judiciary.
We certainly did!
On 2 July, after being in detention for a week, 6 PSM leaders including Member of Parliament Dr. M. Jeyakumar were re-arrested and detained without trial under the Emergency Ordinance – this time for purportedly being the movers and shakers of Bersih 2.0.
In the 37 affidavits filed in reply to the habeas corpus application fixed for hearing on 22 July at the KL High Court, no mention at all was made about waging war, Communism, Chin Peng, Rashid Maidin and other made up stories as alleged earlier.
How dumb are these police and AG’s Chambers officers? The movers and shakers of Bersih 2.0 are…get ready for this, the Bersih 2.0 Steering Committee! Their names can be found at Bersih’s website – www.bersih.org (click on About BERSIH 2.0) and at the end of their press releases.
And now apparently the AG’s Chambers are trying to seek for an adjournment for tomorrow’s hearing.
Read more at: http://www.lawyersforliberty.org/2011/07/enough-is-enough-the-psm-6-must-be-released/