RCI findings flawed, says Teoh’s ex-boss
Report contains inconsistencies and contradicts evidence previously adduced at inquest, says Ean Yong Hian Wah.
(Free Malaysia Today) – The DAP has found several inconsistencies in the Royal Commission of Inquiry’s (RCI) report on Teoh Beng Hock’s death, saying that a number of its findings contradicted what was produced as evidence in during proceedings.
Selangor exco member Ean Yong Hian Wah, Teoh’s former boss, asked: “Why the inconsistencies in the evidence adduced and what’s contained the RCI report?
“The RCI report is supposed to shed light on the cause of his (Teoh’s) death but instead it raises more questions and uncertainties about his death,” said Ean Yong.
The Seri Kembangan state assemblyman said the RCI’s “unconvincing attempt” to “spin” a result of suicide, shows that the BN government wanted to cover up the truth.
“Why did the RCI question the involvement of DAP’s Serdang Aman branch in giving contractors and suppliers advances for small projects and programmes?” asked Ean Yong.
“We do not pay advances for projects such as the repair of drains and so on. The branch only foots bill for programmes which it is involved it as co-organiser,” said Ean Yong.
“We said many times that DAP does not pay advances for projects. DAP only foots bills for community programmes which it later claims from the Land Office.
“The witness testimonies by contractors Wong Hong Chae and Lee Wye Wing and myself, during RCI proceedings attests to and supports this,” he added.
Ean Yong said he also did not understand why the RCI went so as far as to venture an opinion that political parties should not be involved in government projects.
“What is wrong with that? Why can’t a political party aide the government in their programmes when it is in service of the rakyat and community?
“That is not the point, but the RCI went too far to give its opinion on such things,” he said.
The RCI found that none of the receipts for DAP’s programmes had matched the amount reimbursed to DAP.
However, Ean Yong said: “(Investigating officer Ahmad ) Shafik (Abdul Rahman), of the MACC told the RCI that his investigations showed reimbursements from the district land office and the receipts matched and that the projects were indeed carried out.