Phang Shares His Views On The MACC Revamp

By Tan Sri Robert Phang

My comments on the measures taken by MACC are as follows:-

1. Suspension of the three (3) named officers as indicated by the RCI findings by the MACC for further interrogation by a newly appointed committee is absolutely necessary.

2. The new committee team members must be truly independent, whereby they have no direct or indirect interest in MACC or AG’s chambers. They should not be consultants or advisors to MACC or AG’s Department respectively.

3. There are plentiful suitable independent candidates who have been known to have the guts and the ability without fear or favor or any personal agenda to sit in this committee.

4. With this basis, the independent inquiry should be seen to be done with transparency. In order to avoid any unnecessary waste of time and to achieve a true picture of the conduct of these three (3) officers, this is mandatory.

5. It is undoubtedly also mandatory to improve the investigation method as highlighted and recommended by the RCI, which should also be governed by C.P.C. (Criminal Procedure Code) and also our supreme constitution.

6. The Rakyat is aware that the late Teoh Beng Hock was brought in as a live witness but was found dead the next day, within the MACC premises. It is also to note, that the findings of the RCI, that the late Teoh Beng Hock was never released. As such it is absolutely and
mandatory for MACC to enhance and explain in this respect to the Rakyat.

7. I call upon all sectors to be cool but to monitor on the comments, decisions and measures made by the MACC.

My heartfelt sympathy be extended to the late Teoh Beng Hock’s family. May God Bless His Soul To Rest In Peace.


ROBERT PHANG is the Chairman of Social Care Foundation
