Muslim women barred from working as GROs in Kuantan


(Bernama) KUANTAN: Muslim women will be barred from working as guest relation officers (GROs) or waitresses in entertainment outlets in the state capital from next year.

Kuantan Municipal Council (MPK) president Datuk Zulkifli Yaacob said the decision was unanimously approved at the MPK full council meeting Wednesday and the enforcement date would be determined later.

He said the decision was prompted by a call from the Pahang Islamic Religious Department (Jaip) to forbid Muslims from working at entertainment premises that served alcoholic drinks.

“A study found that 85 percent of employees of entertainment premises in the capital are Malays, who are Muslims, and they are exposed to alcoholic drinks.

“In addition, it contributes to the negative perception of Islam. Although Muslim GROs might not be drinking, but they had to serve alcoholic beverages to their customers,” he told reporters after chairing the MPK full council meeting here.

Zulkifli said raids jointly conducted by Jaip, the Customs, police, the Immigration Department and the MPK found that many employees of entertainment outlets, including Muslims took alcoholic drinks.

“The MPK will also step up joint operations against Muslims drinking alcoholic drinks in public,” he added. – Bernama
