Mid-year corruption perception index at 45pc


By Lee Wei Lian, The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 4 — About 45 per cent of Malaysians feel that the government’s fight against corruption has been effective, below the official mid-year target of 50 per cent said Pemandu today.

It also said that the public’s opinion of regulatory and enforcement agencies however hit a score of 2.99, exceeding the mid-year target of 3.5 (1 being the best and 5 the worst).

The surveys were conducted by independent third party research firm TNS and is used by Pemandu as a proxy to track progress against its targets for Transparency International’s (TI) annual Global Corruption Barometer Score which will be released later this year.

Malaysia scored 48 per cent in last year’s TI Global Corruption Barometer Score, exceeding Pemandu’s 2010 target of 37 per cent and 2009’s score of 28 per cent.

Pemandu has set a target of 50 per cent for this year’s Global Corruption Barometer Score.

Pemandu director for the corruption National Key Result Area (NKRA), D. Ravindran said in a briefing here that the anti-corruption efforts were to “reinspire confidence and get Malaysians to believe again that Malaysia is a good place to do business.”


