Don’t attack other religions, said the Prophet Muhammad (UPDATED with Chinese Translation)

I suppose there are as many munafiqs amongst the Christians as there are amongst the Muslims. And these Christian munafiqs will scream and shout Jesus’s name but when it comes time to choose the new government they will still choose the government that is backing the Christianity-bashing campaign.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Christian groups permit prostitution, says report

(Malaysiakini) – Harping on the controversial issue of an “apostasy movement” by Christian groups, Malay language daily Sinar Harian today stepped up its criticisms and accused the movement of encouraging free mingling between the sexes and permitting prostitution.

Yesterday, the daily gave extensive coverage to a so-called “apostasy movement” in its regular Monday column, Bicara Isnin.

In the second part of the column published today, scathing allegations were levelled against the ‘Christian movement’ and were listed in an information text box titled Matlamat gerakan Kristian (Objectives of the Christian movement).

Sinar Harian listed four items that it said are among other programmes afoot “to destroy Muslims”:

1. Social movement: encouraging free mingling between the sexes;

2. Moral degradation: damaging moral values with wild activities;

3. Permitting prostitution as a service occupation; and

4. Films and music: inserting negative or extreme elements and excessive music that leads to heedlessness and negligence.

The daily did not elaborate on these allegations.



That was what Malaysiakini reported today. It looks like some Malaysian Muslims — with the endorsement of the Malaysian government — are now stepping up the attacks. And they are not only attacking the Christians but also beginning to attack Christianity itself.

The Prophet Muhammad has cautioned Muslims about attacking other religions. If you attack other religions then you will trigger a reaction or retaliation and then those of the other religions will also attack Islam, argued the Prophet.

If the Muslims accuse Christianity as being an immoral religion that encourages and promotes free sex, then the Christians will accuse Islam of the same thing. And it would be easier to attack Islam because many issues related to slavery and permission to have sex out of wedlock with slaves is well documented.

“Slavery is a part of Islam,” said Sheik Saleh Al-Fawzan, according to the independent Saudi Information Agency, or SIA.

Al Fawzan – a member of the Senior Council of Clerics, Saudi Arabia’s highest religious body – says Muslims who contend Islam is against slavery “are ignorant, not scholars.”

“They are merely writers,” he said, according to SIA. “Whoever says such things is an infidel.”

Al-Fawzan’s best-known textbook, “Al-Tawheed – Monotheism,” says most Muslims are polytheists, and their blood and money are therefore free for the taking by “true Muslims.”


Furthermore, Islam not only permits slavery and has never banned or outlawed slavery, but Islam also permits the slave-owner or master to have sex with his slaves.

Slaves are considered your property so you can do what you wish with your property.

READ MORE HERE:,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Slavery

I think Muslims need to pull the brakes on this Christian-bashing exercise. When you run down another religion then followers of that religion would also attack Islam. However, when they attack Islam, Muslims would get angry and threaten revenge and bloodshed.

I have said this before: the Muslims are Islam’s greatest enemy. It is the conduct of Muslims that is giving Islam a bad name. This is the sad reality of this whole Christian-bashing exercise.

It looks like the damage has been done. The feelings of the Christians have been hurt beyond repair. It will take a long time for these wounds to heal. In the meantime, many Christians are going to demonstrate their disgust in the next election.

But of course, not all the Christians are going to vote against the government in the coming election. There will still be many Christians who think only of their personal interest. They will foam at their mouth talking about their Lord Jesus and so on. Then, come the election, they will still vote Barisan Nasional.

I suppose there are as many munafiqs amongst the Christians as there are amongst the Muslims. And these Christian munafiqs will scream and shout Jesus’s name but when it comes time to choose the new government they will still choose the government that is backing the Christianity-bashing campaign.

Maybe it is good that these people bash the Christians and Christianity. That will teach these Christian munafiqs a lesson.

Translated into Chinese at:

