The MAS loss discrepancy

Did you ever dream you would see the day when the opposition Bloggers would say that they trust the police while the Umno Bloggers are calling the police a bunch of liars? And this is the same police who arrested me and accused me of various crimes and detained me without trial for the very same so-called crimes, mind you.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Malaysia Today has written a series of articles (which have been republished a number of times) about what happened to Malaysia’s national airline, MAS, from 1994 to 2001.

Basically, the gist of the articles was that there were some criminal goings-on and shenanigans in MAS during the seven years that Tajudin Ramli was managing MAS, which resulted in massive losses for the airline company.

The Malaysian Insider also carried the story and Tajudin has since sued the online portal for reporting that MAS lost RM8 billion when it was in the hands of Tajudin.

(Read more here: Former MAS chairman sues news portal for RM200mil).

The pro-Umno blogs have pooh-poohed this story of the RM8 billion losses. They have even published the annual reports of the airline company to prove that the losses were not RM8 billion but only RM1 billion.

The investigation by the CCID of the Malaysian Police (PDRM), however, revealed a different figure. In fact, the Director of the CCID wrote to the Prime Minister to inform the PM of this matter and the figure quoted was RM8 billion.

(Read more here:

This can only mean that someone is not telling the truth. If the losses were only RM1 billion, then the police must have been lying. And would the Malaysian police dare lie? Have we ever known it to lie?

Is the CCID of the Malaysian Police prepared to defend its reputation (if it has any left to defend) by standing by its reported RM8 billion losses? Or has the CCID been misleading us (which is what most Malaysians suspect of the police anyway)?

The CCID of the PDRM is the same department that investigated me and came to the conclusion that I had committed various crimes. I was not only arrested and made to face four charges. I was further detained without trial under the Internal Security Act.

Now, this is the novelty here. My detention without trial under the Internal Security Act was for the same so-called crimes that I had been charged with and for which I was facing trial. This means I was being punished twice for the same alleged crimes, which is wrong in law. You just cannot be punished twice for the same crime.

Nevertheless, they still punished me twice for the same alleged crimes and yet they still expected me to stay back in Malaysia and face trial for alleged crimes I had already been punished for.

Now you know why I decided to walk off and tell the court to go fuck itself. If they do not respect the law then why should I?

Anyway, we now have a situation where the police say one thing and the auditors for MAS say another thing. And Tajudin is suing The Malaysian Insider for what he considers a blatant lie. And the Umno Bloggers are also saying that the police lied.

Can you just see the irony here? We, the opposition Bloggers, are saying that the police told the truth and that we believe the allegation of the RM8 billion loss. The Umno Bloggers, however, are saying that the police lied.

Did you ever dream you would see the day when the opposition Bloggers would say that they trust the police while the Umno Bloggers are calling the police a bunch of liars? And this is the same police who arrested me and accused me of various crimes and detained me without trial for the very same so-called crimes, mind you.

If the police lied about the MAS matter this would mean the police are capable of lying about other things as well. And this would mean they lied about me and they also lied about Anwar Ibrahim.

As they say: once a liar, always a liar. And the MAS matter is a not a small thing, mind you. It involves Umno as well.

Now, let us not forget what Tajudin said in his Affidavit. He said he is only the front and that other people are behind him. Most believe that he is the front for Umno.

Parts 6 and 7 of his Affidavit says it very clearly: At all material times, I was a nominee and agent of the Government…..

(Read more here:

So, if Tajudin is being protected and no action was taken against him because of this, then it can only mean that Umno is the real criminal in this exercise to bleed MAS.

Can you see how this can spin out of control? This is not only about whether the police lied or not. If they did not, then someone else higher up is lying instead. And if they did, then this means we can’t trust the police.

Either way someone’s balls are going to get whacked good and proper.

So now it is the Malaysian Police-Opposition Bloggers versus Umno-Umno Bloggers. We take the side of the police while the Umno Bloggers are on the other side.

Let us see who is lying and who is telling the truth. Either way it does not concern me one bit. Either way we would have proved our point.

Now do you see why we are better at this game than Umno is? And now do you see why Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak should sack all this so-called advisers, PR companies and spin-doctors and employ us instead?

Yes, it is because we are better at this game than his people are. Oh, and sorry if I sound boastful. If you are good, you are good. What more can I say?

