Walk The Talk

By Christian Federation Malaysia

Together with all Malaysians we join hands in celebrating and rejoicing over Merdeka Day and Malaysia Day this year. Let us offer our prayers in thanksgiving to Almighty God for the blessings showered upon us and for His kind mercies over these past 54 years of celebrating Merdeka Day and over the past 48 years in auspiciously marking Malaysia Day.

We must continue to uphold the constitutional framework which embodies the principles of democratic freedoms and institutions first set down by our Founding Fathers irrespective of race, religion or creed so that each generation will be able to advance and progress as Malaysians.

We have also embraced the principles of the Rukunegara and the fundamental liberties including the Freedom of Religion which allows us freedom to believe and personal liberty to ensure we live in peace and harmony and for us to seek the welfare and well-being of all who dwell in Malaysia.

The diversity of faiths expressed in the many places of worship throughout Malaysia is a testimony to the spiritual vitality of all our peoples and their desire to be connected to the Almighty God. Therefore, we must hold to the sanctity of all our places of worship and also our freedom to believe and not allow such to be violated in any way.

As Malaysians we must continue in the sharing of our religious traditions, spiritualities and festivities with one another in the spirit of mutual respect. We must not allow actions which are insensitive, arrogant and disrespectful to prevail nor to derail us from our living in harmony and love amongst all religions and communities in Malaysia.

Malaysians value justice and righteousness and therefore expect such values to be exhibited and practiced by the leaders of our nation and by one and all.

Malaysians desire that our leaders act justly, do rightly and to love mercy. This spirit will help us build a great nation for ourselves, our children and our children’s children.

Therefore, we expect and call our nation’s leaders to show consistent and sustainable leadership in the Prime Minister’s unifying theme of 1Malaysia : People First, Performance Now to the end that the theme will not be just more talk than action but become a concrete reality so that we can all enjoy its fruits.

As our nation grows we need to build stronger democratic institutions which will give Malaysians a greater say in the affairs of state. Today, Malaysians as concerned citizens want our voices to be heard and wish to speak on the issues of the nation and how it is administered. Many Malaysians desire electoral reforms to ensure a fair and equitable electoral system and the government’s response of a parliamentary select committee to look into this crucial matter is a step forward in the right direction.

As Malaysians we need to build on the positives that we have in our land rather than the negatives that divide us on the basis of race, religion or creed.
Malaysians need to come together to reject all extremisms as they were never what our Founding Fathers saw and desired for Malaysia. In particular, we reject extremist speeches and statements and irresponsible reporting in the media.

We call on every Malaysian to contribute towards the process of nation-building without thought of reward. Churches and Christians should continue freely to do works of charity to contribute towards nation-building in diverse ways so that the benefits can be reaped by the poor and the needy, irrespective of race, religion or creed.

As Malaysians, let us pledge to work for the betterment of all Malaysians, to further the cause of national unity, to promote mutual respect of all peoples and religions, to foster a caring and compassionate society, to maintain democracy, to enable a vibrant economy for the well-being of all, to see to the good of all Malaysians and to ensure that our public institutions are transparent, accountable and serving the people.

The churches join all Malaysians in praying for the good health and well-being of our beloved King and Queen, the Rulers, the Prime Minister and his Cabinet, the Mentris Besar and Chief Ministers of the states, our parliamentarians, all members of the state assemblies, the police and those who defend our nation.

It is our desire to see continued prosperity with peace, justice and righteousness and the strengthening of our common bonds of friendship and harmony amongst all peoples and religions in Malaysia.

– REV EU HONG SENG (Vice-Chairman)
