Mais tries to fend off conspiracy claims

(The Malaysian Insider) – Selangor Islamic Religious Council (Mais) chairman Datuk Setia Mohamad Adzib Mohd Isa today confirmed meeting with several Islamic groups last month but denied it was part of a conspiracy to topple Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim.

The meeting, he said, was held to explain to several Islamic non-governmental organisations the controversial raid by the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) on the Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC) on August 3.

“I, as the Mais head, and Jais explained what happened to the Islamic NGOs… not just them reading from the papers or The Malaysian Insider… but this was not a political meeting, merely to explain what actually happened,” he said when contacted this morning.

He also denied that the meeting discussed a memorandum to the Sultan, attacking Khalid Ibrahim’s leadership.

“We only explained. At the end, they said they have received accurate facts… Mais and Jais’ duty is to give out correct information,” said Adzib, who has often been labelled by Pakatan Rakyat (PR) lawmakers as pro-Umno.

Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad alleged in his blog last night that the state’s religious authorities, several Islamic NGOs and representatives from the Attorney-General’s Chambers held a secret meeting last month to discuss plans to topple the mentri besar.

Khalid also said the group had discussed sending a memorandum attacking Khalid Ibrahim on the issue of Christianisation to the Selangor Sultan.

But Adzib said today that the NGOs’ decision to prepare a memorandum for the Sultan was done independently of Jais and Mais.

“After the meeting, the prepared a memorandum and presented it to the Sultan… it was their decision,” he said.


