Not only the voting processes is screwed up, but the whole world too (dwi bahasa)
By Lee Wee Tak
I am shocked beyond words when I read Anthony Loke’s disclosure in a press conference today, pointing out numerous army wives carrying ICs with ending odd numbers (which is meant for male citizens) and bearing the exact date of birth of their husbands. One or two of such instances can be explained as errors or coincidence but dozens of them appearing in 2nd quarter of 2011 while GE hype is brewing?
Saya terpegun tatkala membaca siding akhbar saudara Anthony Loke hari ini yang mendedahkan isteri anggota tenteta membawa IC berakhir dengan nombor ganjil (yang memang ditetapkan untuk golongan lelaki) dan mempunyai tarikh lahir yang sama dengan suami mereka. Sekiranya berlaku sekali dua kali, mungkin boleh dianggap sebagai kesilapan atau kebetulan namun mengapakah berpuluh-puluh kejadian ini menjelma serentak dalam suku tahun 2 2011 tatkala ura-ura pilihanraya akan diadakan?
They use the ordinary ICs of their husband to register but under the wives’ names – a wife could still have the ordinary voter’s right so she might be able to vote twice,” exclaimed Loke in a press conference called to reveal the discrepancies.
“The IC numbers definitely belong to men as these numbers are odd numbers, while female IC numbers are even numbers, and this clearly states that she is a voter in Rasah in the army camp,” said Loke.
For example, Noor Atikah Zakaria holds a male’s MyKad, 840306-02-5561, and the army officer believed to be her husband, Mohd Hasbullah Abdul Wahab, has an army MyKad, T1140868 – where both are registered with the same date of birth, locality and voting district.
“All these are new registrations, it can’t just be a normal mistake. The roll has been updated so 19 incidents in one constituency can’t be a mere coincidence,” said Loke