Zahid Urges Malays To Unite And Support BN In Next Election

(Bernama) — Umno vice- president Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has called on the Malays to unite to support Barisan Nasional (BN) candidates in the next general election, particularly those from Umno, to ensure their interests are taken care of.

He added that although the position of the Malays and the Malay rulers were enshrined in the constitution, this could change if the opposition won the election.

“We should therefore take steps to unite the Malays under the umbrella of Umno and BN; let’s not harp on trivial issues which could undermine the unity which we have built all this while,” he said.

As an Umno leader, he said, he and other party leaders were ready to render assistance to Umno and BN at the state level in retaining existing seats and in winning back the seats won by the opposition in the last general election.

