Ng Yen Yen Joins The Bandwagon

By Capt. Iskandar Dzulkarnain

One cannot fail to realize that since Lim Guan Eng became the Chief Minister of Penang, he has become the butt of criticism from political leaders in the BN camp. He happens to be the only Chief Minister in the country that no one can resist taking a pot shot at.

Is it because of his quiet, unassuming looks, or his soft-spoken voice or his perceived meekness, or that he looks like the nice guy next door that looks easy to bully? How come when Koh Tsu Koon was Chief Minister we never heard of BN going after him, even though his administration was mired with controversies?

And just after Independent MP and ex-Gerakan Tan Tee Beng had done his filial duty, Tourism Minister Ng Yen Yen has joined in the merry bandwagon of criticizers. As a Penangite, I find it grossly unfair that our CM has to go through all this political wrangling, which I am sure will make him deviate from his focus of running the state.

With the level of accusations leveled at Lim Guan Eng, it sort of make him look like the biggest political blunderer or clown in the nation’s history. But he is not. For a Chief Minister, he is well respected, and happens to be the only unselfish, corrupt free and no nonsense Minister in the present government. Almost every other politician fades in his presence.

What made Yen Yen chose Guan Eng out of countless others? She should be directing her criticism at the gross hanky panky going on in BN governed states instead of dipping her nose in Opposition ruled states.

If she is out of ideas, on who to direct her precious criticism at, I am sure the Rakyat can send her a gigantic list of grouses that has irked the people. How come she does not direct her criticism at the Perak MB or give a statement on the Kuantan Lynas project?

Hasn’t she come to her senses that the public, whether pro BN or Opposition is now very wary at anyone taking pot shots at the Penang Chief Minister? Yes anyone, who goes after Lim Guan Eng now, is automatically seen as a politician devoid of ideas, a political opportunist sucking up to their immediate bosses. They are also termed as cowards who are blind to the many outstanding issues plaguing the country today, and looking for a cheap excuse to sweep these issues under the carpet!

The Chief Minister doesn’t look like a goat, so please do not try to ‘scape’ him! His legendary sacrifice for the sake of a Malay girl in need is still whispered in the rural areas and the hinterlands.

The Ministry of Tourism had expressed shock over the failure of the RM5 million car park project at the foot of Penang Hill to start operation and has demanded an explanation from the Penang Chief Minister, Lim Guan Eng.

What is so shocking about a miserable car park that is 3 months overdue, because of its inability to get a CF (certificate of fitness)? Is it his fault that a CF cannot be issued due to technicalities and poor workmanship?

Are we going to allow a carpark to operate without a CF?

It was reported earlier, that the PDC, in charge of managing the project which was funded by the Federal Government, has fallen short of the state government’s competency, accountability and transparency (CAT) philosophy by failing to satisfactorily explain why the much-needed car park had failed to obtain the Certificate of Fitness (CF) from the Penang Island Municipal Council (MPPP).

She accused Lim, who is the state assemblyman for Air Putih, for his failure to ensure that the project was smoothly run for the sake of the people in his constituency.

So how does Yen Yen want Guan Eng to comply? Does she want Guan eng to stop his duties as Chief Minister and be at the site to supervise the workmanship and to ensure that the project meets the CF regulations in time?

Yen Yen should stop being so hypocritical. If she is truly serious about the welfare of Penang, she would have a field day in the last decade criticizing Koh Tsu Koon and the BN government for all the failed projects existing just outside her doorstep, than to delve on a minor car park. Does she expect Penangites to be impressed by her latest actions and endear themselves to her? Does she expect the public to support her fight and cheer her on? Penangites will think a hundred times at the danger to park their cars in a car park without a valid CF.

The expensive Face Book fracas, coupled with the highly criticized million ringgit pavilion constructed in China, and other corrupt allegations involving family members has hardly subsided and she is coming out with issues of her own.

She should seriously concentrate her energies on the MCA and clean up her backyard. Reputedly to be the nation’s second largest political party once, today the MCA is a former shadow of itself. The people are wondering whether she is directing her anger at the DAP for overtaking the MCA?

She criticized that the car park was supposed to be completed in December last year but it was delayed until the end of March this year.

Isn’t it normal in this country, that a project is delayed for 3 months? Has she tried to make a study of all the projects in this country to see how many are delayed for more than 3 months before criticizing the DAP administration. At least the DAP gets to rule a state. What can MCA boast of after 54 years operating like a mad-hatter in this country?

However, Ng, who is also the state MCA chairman has urged Lim to stop pointing fingers at any party and start to find a solution to the problem, while she did not realize that she is at the same time pointing her fingers at him.

The car park is part of the ministry’s RM73 million Penang Hill funicular train upgrading project which includes changing the rail tracks, having two Swiss-made air-conditioned coaches and construction of the base station.

And for the rest of the future ‘political critique wannabes,’ please leave Guan Eng alone, unless anyone has any genuine issues concerning Penang’s CAT administration or a personal bone to pick with the CM. Go and pick a fight with someone your own size like the Gerakan. DAP is simply too big for you, and you cannot fit into their shoes, at least not for a thousand years.

