Parameswara is a certified Singaporean Keling (not a joke)
I love it when Malaysians discuss History. I love it even more when half-past-six people start brandishing their “historical prowess”. Since we are all on the bandwagon of rewriting accurate Histories of Malaya, let’s start by asking the most pertinent question of all. Who exactly is Parameswara? Ironically, Parameswara does NOT even exist in Sejarah Melayu, which is repeatedly touted to be “The most accurate” Document detailing Malayan History. I repeat. Parameswara does NOT even appear once in Sejarah Melayu.
Who then discovered Malacca? Apparently, it was a Singaporean named Raja Secander Shah (Persian Name) who did. And he actually founded Malacca in Muar, in a place called Biawak-Busuk. (bear with me, and read it for yourself later in the link of the complete Sejarah Melayu HERE from the National Library of Singapore)
( in case the hyperlink does not work)
I’ll simplify the genealogy of Secander Shah in the Visual Below.
It is interesting to note that the above genealogy list, is a direct copy-paste from Sejarah Melayu does NOT correlate nor resemble your children’s present History textbooks. It is now clear why UMNO does not want anyone reading Sejarah Melayu. Sejarah Melayu is clearly anti-UMNO. I look forward to UMNO banning Sejarah Melayu soon. MBRAS, watch out ! Go lock your doors, or you might suddenly strangle yourself, and your dead body decide to jump out of the 14th floor window.
Notice, that Raja Secander Shah, and his son, and his son’s son NEVER converted to Islam. It was actually his great-grandson, Raja Kichil Besar, who converted because, he had a dream about Nabi Muhammad, and woke up in a pool of sweat, and noticed that his penis had the appearance of being circumcised!! Not kidding. (Go read it on page 90) I’ll be kind enough NOT to speculate how this actually happened. Anyway, Raja Kichil Besar then had his name changed to Sultan Muhammad Shah. It is interesting to note that Sultan Muhammad Shah married his uncle’s daughter (no name of daughter provided in Sejarah Melayu), and had two male sons, Raja Macat, and Raja Kichil Mambang. His other two known wives were also respectively from the “Land of Kling”, and the other, from the Land of Racan. I am proposing that Racan is actually Arakan (formerly known as Rakhine), situated in West Burma. They are Rohingya, and are half Burmese-Bangladeshi. They have been around well before 1500BC.
I don’t care what your Malaysian school textbooks tell you, and I certainly couldn’t care less what your tuition teachers tell you. This is all coming directly from Sejarah Melayu. If your child’s school does not like what you are reading now, then too bad. They should either shut up, or shut down. Alternatively, parents, please send your children to a real school instead.
Let’s get a little into who Raja Secander Shah actually was. To begin with, he was the son of Paduka Sri Maharaja, who was a child-murderer. I repeat, Raja Secander, the father of the founder-of-Malacca’s father was a CHILD MURDERER!! And if one were to take the effort to read from pages 83-85, will fully know that this Evil King killed this boy because the child had a high IQ, aka smart, aka clever. In fact, this boy was much smarter than the King, and therefore, the following verbatim sentence is so chilling:
“Then the Maha-raja returned, and all the great men represented to him, ” Sire, if
this boy, though so young, possesses such an uncommon understanding, what will he do when he grows up. It will be best for us to kill him.” ” Very well, let us kill
him,” said the raja. He was accordingly put to death, but the guilt of his blood
lay upon the country.” ( Sejarah Melayu page 85 )
The reward for this smart boy, whom, using his intelligence to save his country, was death instead. A trait which UMNO has sadly decided to assume, assimilate and adopt. I dare anyone who can claim that this is an interpetational error !! Les Majeste? Sure, someone go arrest Tun Sri Lanang then. He’s already been dead for close to four hundred years now.
Raja Secander is written to be a descendant of the Greek, Alexander the Great (Iskandar Zulkarnain). In fact, it is repeated over and over in Sejarah Melayu. As if for reinforcement, Sejarah Melayu spends the first 5 pages of Sejarah Melayu detailing the lineage, and yet, every name seems to be of Indian Origin. This is even more telling when on page pg 30
“…It was now noised all over the world, that the descendant of Raja Secander
Zulkarneini, of the race of Hindostan, had descended on the mountain Sagantang Maha Mini, and was now in the land of ….”
The 17th Century author of Sejarah Melayu obviously had no idea who Alexander the Great was. How can he confuse a Greek with an Hindustani? Let me also, at this point interject that he is also writing about Alexander the Great, who is of the year 340BC; you do the math. In fact, it is repeated over and over and over again in Sejarah Melayu that the Malaccan Sultanate are descendants of Iskandar Zulkarnain, and that the neighbour Kings wanted to see/ meet the Malaccan Kings ONLY BECAUSE they are supposed to be descendants of Iskandar Zulkarnain. How does one spell “wishful thinking”?
It is also interesting to note that on page 30:
“…” there is no greater prince than the raja of China, nor of more noble extraction, whom she could get for her husband, nor is there any country greater than the land of China.” So, for some obscure reason, every King in this region wanted to marry a Chinese, as evidenced in Sejarah Melayu, such as on page 32:
“…the noble Chinese who had married Tunjong-bui, was made raja of the
upper country of Palembang, and had the command of all the Chinese in Palembang.
The present Rajas of Palembang are all descended of this (Chinese) family…”
And again, on pg 34:
“…When he (Raja of Majapahit) arrived at Tanjong-pura, he paid his respects to Sangsapurba, who received him graciously, and gave him (Raja of Majapahit) in marriage his daughter, Chandra Devi, the younger sister of the princess of China. After his marriage, he returned to Majapahit; and it is from this marriage that (all) the rajas of Majapahit are descended…”
I have a serious question here. Is the younger sister of a princess not also a princess herself? Why the need for a double-descriptive? Also, why does she carry an Indian name? Perhaps Hang Li-po is also a “younger sister of the Princess”. Does “younger sister of the Princess” really mean a handmaiden, aka servant or slave? As mentioned before, no Ming Emperor’s family name is Hang. Every single Ming Emperor’s last name is Tzu (pronounced as Chu), hence, her name should have been Tzu Li-po.
Next, comes the revered position of the (in the writer’s own words) “Kling”, as evidenced on page 45:
“..THERE was a raja of the land of Kling, named Adi Bernilam Raja Mudeliar, who was descended of Raja Suran. He was raja of the city of Bija Nagara, and had a son named Jambuga Rama Mudeliar, who succeeded to the throne on the death of his
father. He had a daughter named Nila Panchadi, of celebrated beauty, and of the
pg 46
most excellent qualities. How many were the rajas who preferred their suit to her! but
her father refused to give her in marriage to them, as not being of her own race. At last the fame of her beauty and qualities reached Singhapura, and Sri Tri-buana
sent Maha Indra B’hupala to solicit her hand for his son, Raja Kichil Besar.
pg 47
When they reached Singhapura, Sri Tri-buana was waiting their arrival at
Tanjong Barus, and returned with them to Singhapura. There he celebrated the nup-
tials of his son with the Kling princess, and for three months the previous festivi-
ties continued, and when a fortunate period arrived, the Prince Raja Kichil Besar was
united to the Princess Nila Panchadi…”
What then can we deduce from the above? That Sri Tri-buana looked Kling enough for Raja Adi Bernilam Raja Mudeliar to allow his daughter to marry. Thus, resulting in the marriage of two very Kling-looking people, and the beautiful start of the Malaccan Empire. We also know, that both husband and wife, were descended from the very same Raja Suran, and hence, declared as the same “Kling Race”. (Unlike the flexi-multiple-race constitutional-Malay today)
We also now know from Sejarah Melayu, that the Raja Secander Shah founded Malacca, and that he had Greek Blood, Indonesian Blood, Chinese Blood, and Hindustani and/or Kling blood. He alone is “Truly Asia”. For very obvious reasons, he was now “certified” to be of the SAME “KLING” blood, and thus, qualified to marry the Kling King, Adi Bernilam Raja Mudeliar’s daughter. Together they had many Kling children, and are the ancestors of the Malayan Sultanate. Please remember that I am ONLY extracting from Sejarah Melayu, and have even provided you with the appropriate page number by which you can cross-check it for yourself.
Next, her name is Hong Li-Po, and NOT Hang Li Poh. (Hang) Li Poh, and (Hang) Di Poh were Chinese Males in Sejarah Melayu. Do NOT get them confused. Also, for the record, that RACIST email claiming that Hang Tuah’s DNA is Chinese (which has been circulating for years now) is COMPLETELY UNTRUE ! I simply cannot remember how many tens of times I’ve refutted this.
There is no such organization as The Federal Association of Archaeology & Research of Michigan, USA. That piece was written by a racist idiot, and NOT by a researcher. As such, I won’t waste any more time on it.
On the same note, there were nine Hang’s in Sejarah Melayu. They are listed verbatim on page 161:
“…Hang Jabut, Hang Casturi, Hang Lakir, Hang Lakiu, Hang Ali, Hang Secander, Hang Haran, Hang Husain, Hang Tuah…” and no, neither William Hung nor Samo Hung are their cousins.
Also, for the record, Hang Tuah killed Hang Casturi for chopping up one of the (Muslim) King’s concubine from her head till her stomach, and NOT Hang Jebat in Sejarah Melayu. Ironically, it was the many scheming concubines of the founder of Malacca (Raja Secander Shah) which caused him to be attacked by Jowo, and his subsequent need to flee Singapore. (read page 86)
“..He had a daughter of exquisite beauty, of whom the raja was deeply enamoured, but the rest of the raja’s mistresses concerted against her, and accused her of infidelity. Raja Secander Shah was grievously enraged, and ordered her to be impaled at Ujong Pasar…”
How true is Sejarah Melayu? Can we believe it to be Gospel Truth? Sure, if you can also believe in the throwing of bus-sized rocks across rivers by Badang (like Obelix and his Menhirs), and the riding of a Seahorse named Sambrani which can also fly in the sky. (reminds me of Aquaman)
The opening passages of Sejarah Melayu details how Raja Suran came all the way from “Tanah Keling” to invade Malaya, only to find that it was already fully inhabited by Siamese speaking people. The “famous” Kota Gelanggi is on page 10. Page 11 tells how Siamese Troops battled with the Kling Troops, and so on. On page 13, Raja Suran shot an arrow into Raja Chulan’s heart, thus killing him. This Raja Suran took four wives from Malaya alone, with Raja Chulan’s daughter, Putri Onang-kiu being the last wife recorded. Read again, Raja Chulan had Siamese Troops. Was Raja Chulan a Thai? Anyone still doubting that Malaya belonged to the Thai’s now? Maybe Yingluck can liberate Malaya from UMNO??
Remember what i wrote about Hang Jebat being either a Thai or a Sri Lankan? Can you decide now with all this new evidence streaming in?
What I also find ironic in Sejarah Melayu (or any old text, for that matter), is that everyone was always of “Great Beauty”, as if no fugly people existed on this planet.
A character of interest is this Tun Perpatih Tulos, who supplied his daughters as wives for Raja Secander Shah (page 85), as well as his 3 grandsons of Raja Secander, Radin Bagus, Raja Tengah, and Radin Anum. (see chart above) This means that their grandmother is also their sister-in-law. This is simply amazing !! Add to that, Raja Kichil Besar married to his mother’s sister’s daughter. In other words, Raja Kichil Besar’s great-grandmother is also his mother-in-law’s sister. Or, his great-great-grandfather is also his Father-in-Law, and is also his employee, the Bendahara. WOW !! This is getting truly complex now !! Talk about massive in-breeding !!
On a light note, I’ll introduce you all to a song, sung by Ray Stevens titled
“I’m my own Grandpa” on this youtube link:
Needless to say, Tun Perpatih Tulos is also a descendant of the same Kling Raja Suran who invaded the already populated Malaya, well before Raja Secander Shah’s grandpa was born. It was exactly that period that Malaya was known as “Barr Siam”. Yes, Malaya belonged to the Thai’s before Raja Secander Shah’s time.
If all of the above confuses you, just remember that Parameswara was NEVER mentioned in Sejarah Melayu. And if anyone insists that Parameswara is indeed Raja Secander Shah (Persian name), then ask for proof of conversion to Islam in Sejarah Melayu.
For the record, the Malaccan Sultanate was founded by a certified Keling from Singapore.
And because of that, Daulat Keling Singapura !!!
Spread this far, spread this wide. Bring it to PTA meetings, and above all, put it into the new Syllabus of Malayan History under the new PR governmen. Oh, and please give a copy to Mahathir. He’s the one who inspired this official rewrite.