M’sia Day marred by whiff of graft, clamour for secession


Keruah Usit

Sarawak Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud has been shaken by the recent announcement of a probe by the German government into his financial deals with Deutsche Bank, Germany’s largest bank.

Three European environmentalist and human rights NGOs had triggered the investigation by writing to Chancellor Angela Merkel, urging her to freeze the Taib family’s assets in Germany.

The NGOs – the Bruno Manser Fund, Society for Threatened Peoples and Rainforest Rescue – alleged Deutsche Bank provides a respectable front for company assets owned by Taib and his family in North America.

“Deutsche Bank International’s Jersey and Cayman branches are administering the Jersey-based Sogo Holdings Ltd, through which several illicit Taib family assets in the US are held,” the NGOs claimed in a joint statement. “In Malaysia, Deutsche Bank is running joint ventures with Cahya Mata Sarawak (CMS), the Taib family’s business flagship, under the names of K&N Kenanga Holdings and Kenanga Deutsche Futures.”

Deutsche Bank has offices in Kuala Lumpur and Labuan. The bank has been seeking to expand its private banking network to rope in ever wealthier multimillionaires such as Taib. This is despite the bank struggling with a US government lawsuit accusing it of having misled investors, and with a British Serious Fraud Office investigation into its alleged misrepresentation of asset-backed securities.

azlanTaib, Premier Najib Razak and Deutsche Bank have not commented on the German government’s investigation into alleged money-laundering: it appearsTaib and Najib continue to hope that the German and Swiss financial regulators’ attentions will simply blow over.

Taib postpones Baram dam

At home, Taib has also been stirred by local protests into suspending plans to build the ambitious Baram dam. Kayan, Kenyah and Penan locals angrily opposed his plans for forced resettlement of some 20,000 natives for the construction of the dam.

NONETaib’s spokesperson, and second minister at Taib’s omnipotent natural resources and planning ministry, Awang Tengah Hassan (right), announced last Friday that the government would first build the Baleh hydroelectric power (HEP) dam, upstream from the notorious Bakun dam in central Sarawak, before taking on the Baram dam.

“The beauty (sic) of the Baleh HEP is that it would not affect the livelihood of many people, making it easier to implement as very little resettlement would be involved,” he gushed, according to a local daily.

Awang Tengah conceded that building the Baram dam would require extra social studies, in apparent reference to the lack of any meaningful social impact assessment (SIA) or environmental impact assessment (EIA) on the Baram dam.

The EIA and SIA, required by law for each of the twelve mammoth HEP dams planned by Taib’s administration, are all jealously guarded secrets. Local environmentalists say these studies were conducted over two decades ago, and were simply airbrushed to provide impetus to these ‘mega projects’.

baram residents demoThe Baram dam was destined to be another windfall for loggers granted access to the vacated native lands, and construction companies awarded contracts for the dam. CMS, and other companies owned by members of Taib’s family, have already prospered from past dam contracts.

But Taib must have been unnerved by an open revolt, including scathing condemnation by grassroots NGOs such as the Orang Ulu National Association, Borneo Resources Institute Malaysia, Baram People’s Protection Committee, Sahabat Alam Malaysia, Sarawak Indigenous Lawyers’ Alliance, Sarawak Native Customary Land Rights Network (TAHABAS) and the pan-Malaysian Natives’ Network (Jaringan Orang AsalSeMalaysia).

The natives’ protests were even covered in the supine local press.


