That Effing Show #64: Sejarah Malaysia Revisited

Hallelujah boys and girls. Have you heard the good news?

The best and brightest minds in Malaysia have come together in the form of a Majlis Professor Negara and announced that this land of ours was never conquered by those tea drinking pale faced limeys but was merely a protectorate.

Confused? Well so are we. What does it mean? Does it mean we have to rewrite all of our history books? Does it mean that this post-colonial hangover we’ve been suffering for the last 54 years was nothing more than a hallucination? And the most important question on every woman’s mind.

What’s going to happen to Farish Noor? As it is Malaysia Day, (Happy Malaysia Day btw!) we at That Effing Show have decided to delve a little deeper into this latest revelation.

We’ve done the research. We’ve pointed and laughed. We’re doing all the work so you don’t have to.


