All the usual suspects….


What Najib did yesterday triggered a stampede of sycophants trying to out do each other in their praise for his so called abolishment of the ISA. Does it mean that the ISA that was here yesterday is now gone today? Let me tell all those gullible people out there….the election is coming…if Najib does not come up with the abolishment of the ISA he will have to invent something similar. Let me explain Najib’s thinking process.

Imagine this…there is Najib at home sitting down for dinner with the Prime Minister…oops sorry …there is Najib sitting down for dinner with Rosmah.

As usual Rosmah briefs Najib on the REAL situation –  re the possibility of her remaining as FIRST LADY. It does not look to good. Her recent attempt (over Hari Raya) at having a regular spot on national TV to “connect” with the people of Malaysia bombed because the people did not want to connect with her! So how now brown cow? What else to do?

Tell the real story about Altantuya? No can do! Spending time behind bars is not what this First Lady wants to contemplate doing even in the company of her beloved Najib!

Fast track PKFZ? No can do. That would bring the whole BN house of cards tumbling down.

Clean up PDRM, MACC and the Judiciary? ..and leave UMNO up the Tembeling River in a raft without a paddle? No can do too!..there must be something else they can do without getting themselves wet…..Rosmah does not look to good without her makeup!

And then their “Eureka” moment…abolish the ISA! Nobody who is against them can say that abolishing the ISA is not a good thing! And while Najib is at it why not abolish the Printing Presses and Publication Act, etc etc.

Now of course it never occurred to them that it is “THEM” that the people wanted to abolish…but since when has what the people want been of any concern to Rosmah? Never!

This is what I like about Rosmah. She manages to offend all the right people…like all Malaysians! She thinks that making Najib abolish the ISA will secure her another tenure as First Lady. Well Rosmah I have news for you. Najib has to be reelected as PM first at the 13th general election to allow you to remain as First Lady – NOT The other way around!

Anyway the announcement has been made and all the usual suspects are wheeled out to put in their two cents worth of support.

Take this drivel posted by that pretentious little git of a reporter from NST:


