Hisham Rais: Mat Sabu’s Statement on Mat Indera Came in Perfect Timing

(Malaysian Digest) – PAS Deputy President Mohamad Sabu or better known as Mat Sabu’s statement over on Mat Indera and Malayan independence struggles have come in a timely month, according to activist Hishamuddin Rais.

According to him, the issue that was first brought by Mat Sabu comes in perfect timing that benefits the younger generation.
“The young generation, thanks to Mat Sabu and his Mat Indera debate, are now becoming more aware of this country’s history.
“They are now talking about the history of Malaysia and strongly debating our historical facts and as a result will enlighten this country,” said Hishamuddin when met by Malaysian Digest.

According to Hishamuddin, the younger generations have now acknowledged that the Malayan independence struggles also consists of arm-movement in the likes of Angkatan Pemuda Insaf (API), Hizbul Muslimin and Parti Komunis Malaya (PKM) and not only championed by United Malay Organisations (UMNO) as deemed nowadays.
Therefore, he is supporting the call for history subject in schools to be revised but remains skeptical that the revision can be done under the current ruling class.
“Umno/BN will always wants them to be seen as the sole independence struggler in our schools history subject,” said Hishamuddin.
“Until a new government is formed, I don’t think at any stage that the history subject in school will be revised,” he added.

