Our way of saying ‘thank you’

To coincide with our latest move to liberalise the policy on comments and allow unregistered readers to comment, I thought I would share with you some of our statistics (and hope that this will frighten Umno a bit). Maybe you can look at the following Google Analytical statistics on our Unique Visitors. Unique Visitors means one-time visitors and not total visits, which most certainly would be much higher since many readers come into Malaysia Today many times a day.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

This was the total number of Unique Visitors for the half-year period of 1st January to 30th June 2008. The 12th General Election was held in March of that same year.

This is the figure for that same period this year – 1st January to 30th June 2011. You can see that the number of Unique Visitors has remained the same.

This was the figure for that same period last year — 1st January to 30th June 2010. Again, there was not that much change.

For the period of 1st January this year till yesterday (19th September 2011), this is the total number of Unique Visitors.

And this was the total number of Unique Visitors for that same period last year – 1st January 2010 till 19th September 2010.

We have not suffered any drop in readership in spite of tightening the control on comments (as what we promised the MCMC when they agreed to unblock or unban Malaysia Today in September 2008).

The readers stayed loyal to Malaysia Today even though they could only read without commenting.

Maybe it is time we repaid this loyalty by loosening control on comments.

I just hope you will not abuse this privilege (yes, privilege, not right) by posting comments that may get Malaysia Today blocked or banned again. Anyway, it is your call.

