Brief for the Prime Minister

By Thuraisingham Shun

A.  Preamble 

    The Malaysian Cooperative movement is today, 89 years. It consists of 8500 cooperatives with a membership of over 9 million snowballing to 17 million with family members included.

B.  Memorandum sent 

  1. 8 memorandum in detail have been forwarded to the Prime Minister
  2. 1 memorandums has been handed to the Deputy Prime Minister.
  3. Memorandum had been handed to the former minister with 2 copies referred to YB Ismail Sabri
  4. 1 memorandum had been forwarded to the Chief Secretary and the Secretary General
  5. Lately on 28th July, a memorandum had been handed to the Deputy Minister.

          We have yet to receive any feedback on the same as yet.

C.  8 point originating summons against ANGKASA         

     The salient features are:

      1)  Taking more than RM1 million in allowances for attending board meetings from 2007-2009.The president was accused of taking RM155,118 in 2008.

      2)  Failing in their fiduciary responsibilities in a land purchase in Kelana Jaya  

    and causing a loss of RM6.5 million in the deal with the Malaysian Association of Productivity.

      3) Approving and spending RM500,000 for a delegates’ conference, including allowances in 2009,in violation of by-laws.

  1. Spending RM1.27 million to buy seven Toyota Camry for personal use before Hari Raya last year while only RM400,000 was authorized for the purpose.
  2. Approving and spending RM500,000 over and above the sanctioned budget of RM1.5 million in 2009 without permission.
  3. Abusing their powers in suspending three members of the state liaison committee for three years.
  4. Paying unauthorized allowances to officials of the Malaysians Cooperative Societies Commission and other government officials who attended several board meetings. These payments were viewed as corruption.
  5. Making false media statements Angkasa had made a profit of RM2 billion for the financial year ending June 30 last year

D.   The co-operative commission had acted on 3 of the above matter which  favours the plaintif.                                                                                                                              

E.   Misstated accounts of the Cooperative Commision for the year ending 2008 & 2009 has been passaged through parliament                                ENCLS 3                                                              

         Salient features: 

  1. Billions not accounted
  2. Fund accounts mismanaged
  3. Cooperative Commission deemed illegal

F.  ANGKASA is an illegal entity.                                                               

G.  SPARK of problems 

           – Suspension of 9 individual members

           – Report sent to Deputy Minister    

H.  8 Bumiputra co-operative suspended                                            

            – Double standards practiced by Minister                                        

      – Thousands of Bumiputra co-operative members in a delima                  

I.  Illegal launch of Co-operative Bank in parliament lobby                                                              

J.  Illegal school Co-operatives                                                                                   
K.  Schemers from the Cooperative movement

-Dato’Dr.Ali Baharom implicated in a multimillion Ringgit money laundering scheme and organizer of the illegal- ANGKASA Cooperative Bank 

-Has now intrued into the palace and religious centres                          


ANGKASA and the officials of the Co-operative Commission have mislead the Minister in their activities in controversion of the Cooperative Act


Proposed Solutions

    A direction from PM to Angkasa to release the 9 individual suspension.
    The co-operative movement which is a people oriented organization should be transferned under the purview of the Prime Minister
    A Overall Programmed Evaluation of Management  Audit
    Appoint an “OPERATIONS DIRECTOR” to conduct the day to day administration of the Co-operative Commission
    Appoint an “ADMINISTRATOR” to conduct:
        A forensic audit
        To conduct the day to day administration of ANGKASA

Food for thought (Confidential)

    The role of co-operatives in the election process
    The Thai political movement is controlled by the Telecoms Co-operative spearheaded by Thaksin
    The Singapore government election is monopolized by the activities of the NTUC-cooperative
    The co-operatives in Indonesia play a pivotal role in the election process
    The India Co-operative movement plays a pivotal role in the election of the government



Thuraisingham Shan                                   

Co-operative a Management Consultant       


Cooperative Union of Malaysia                      

Midlands Co-operative Union                         

International Cooperative Housing Foundation

International Director –UKHWAH

FOUNDATION for International Co-operative


Dato’ Seri Hj Mustapa Kamal bin Maulut


Portfolio Koperasi

The National Malay Chambers Commerce Malaysia 
