Chua should know Umno’s stand on hudud: Muhyiddin

(Bernama) — Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek and party leaders should have known Umno’s stand on hudud law and should not be make it an issue.

The Deputy Prime Minister said Umno’s stand remained the same and it should not have been raised by Barisan Nasional (BN) component parties as it was different than PAS.

“The issue mentioned by Chua does not arise. Don’t create suspicion in the minds of the Chinese community and others including the Muslim community about the matter.

“The stand we take is not new but that was taken by our past leadership,” he said when commenting Chua’s tweet today that MCA would leave BN if Umno implements hudud law.

Muhyiddin said this to reporters after Friday prayers during his working visit to Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) campus here today.

Asked whether Chua’s action was seen as a threat, he said the matter should not arise as the stand taken by Umno leaders was clear.

“I don’t know whether Chua forgot about our (Umno) stand. It is not the same with PAS as we have our view. I believe Chua did not understand the real situation.”

He said Umno had never rejected hudud law as it is part of Islamic law but is unsuitable for implementation now.

“Scholars can explain why we can’t implement hudud law and this stand is not taken by Malaysia but also many other countries,” he added.

Asked about the statement by PAS spiritual leader Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat that he was not concerned if DAP left the opposition for disagreeing with formation of an Islamic state and implementation of hudud in Kelantan, he said, “that’s his problem.”

He said since time immemorial, PAS and DAP did not agree on many things even although they are in the opposition coalition.

“It is not a real partnership. They may be sleeping on the same pillow but they have different dreams. They are heading for an imminent split.

“With election just around the corner, the issues are getting clearer. The people can judge between our firm stand and their (opposition) different views.

