Dr M – PAS’ Hudud is sheer propaganda


PAS spiritual leader Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat’s sudden revived interest in wanting to implement Hudud and pursue the setting up of an Islamic state is a political propaganda to win back dwindling Muslim support.

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad told The Mole that PAS was actually in a dilemma following the party’s decision to drop their quest to set up an Islamic state and implement Hudud.

“This is the problem with PAS, they are never very consistent. When they see that dropping (the struggle for an) Islamic state and Hudud makes them very unpopular now they want to come back and say that they want to implement (Islamic state and Hudud).

“But they know very well that they cannot implement simply because they are afraid they will not get the support of Karpal Singh and the DAP. … So what they are saying now is just propaganda to win back Muslim votes.

“PAS is in a dilemma. On one hand they want the non-Muslim support on the other hand they are afraid they would lose the Muslim support,” the former Prime Minister and Umno president said when met at the National Mosque on Friday.

Nik Aziz who is also Kelantan Mentri Besar rekindled PAS’ aspiration to implement the party’s version of Hudud a few days ago and insisted that the party has never dropped its struggle for an Islamic state.

During PAS’ 57th muktamar in early June, the party dropped their long-standing quest for an Islamic state and adopted the welfare state concept.

Party president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang made the ‘Welfare State’ announcement at the end of the muktamar, much to the chagrin of PAS’ own members and supporters. 

But Nik Aziz revived the Hudud issue again when he recently accused Dr Mahathir of singlehandedly preventing PAS from implementing Hudud in Kelantan when the latter was Prime Minister.

Nik Aziz said the high number of HIV/AIDS cases in Kelantan could have been prevented had PAS been allowed to implement the Hudud laws.


