Voting registration

Below is the mail I received from SPR and below that are all the mails that we have been sending back and forth to each other. Just to refresh, my name is Shaman Narayanasamy, IC no.: (edited by admin), a Malaysian student in Helsinki, Finland. I have been wanting to REGISTER AS A VOTER for the past month or so. Please note once again, that I am NOT registering to be a postal voter yet. I want to register to be able to vote. I am NOT in the electoral roll and I am very aware of the fact. I have all the necessary documents to be able to register.

Based on the reply I got from SPR, I am eligible and fit the criteria to register as a voter. Just like their website, they insist that I will be able to register at the “Pesuruhjaya Tinggi”. However, this has not been the case. From the mails below, we see all the announcements in media and confirmation from SPR themselves but I still failed at registering myself as a voter despite the claim of the facilities to do so overseas.

Note that I am CC-ing this mail to various people from SPR, Pengarah SPR Selangor (since I am from Selangor), Setiausaha Pejabat Pengerusi SPR and Setiausaha Naib Pengerusi SPR. I do not know if I am mailing the right people, but I would like some action to be taken instead of forwarding and regurgitating information/rules/announcements/news which I can find and read for myself in various websites. I was disappointed to receive such a reply from “sistem aduan SPR” who basically re-stated what is written in their website that I can read myself but not really getting into my case personally.

I am not trying to cause problems for anyone, but I just want to obtain my right to be a voter. I am ashamed that I did not register as a voter back in Malaysia and I apologize for that. I really hope that this issue is taken seriously and not just ignored. I hope that I would finally be able to register as a voter.

Best regards,

—– Forwarded Message —–
From: Sistem Aduan SPR <[email protected]>
To: shaman
Cc: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2011 4:36 AM
Subject: Jawapan Aduan/Maklumbalas AD-850113106057-2011-09-19-131421

Tuan, Terima kasih atas minat tuan dalam urusan pilihan raya khususnya terhadap bidang pendaftaran pemilih. Untuk makluman tuan,semakan telah dibuat ke atas rekod nombor kad pengenalan tuan,dan hasilnya didapati bahawa nama tuan masih belum tersenarai dalam daftar pemilih SPR.Untuk melayakkan tuan untuk menjadi seorang pemilih tuan mestilah; a)seorang warganegara Malaysia b)berumur 21 tahun atau lebih c)bermastautin / tinggal dalam mana-mana bahagian pilihan raya yang hendak didaftarkan. d)tidak hilang kelayakan sebagai pemilih Bagi warganegara Malaysia di luar Negara, permohonan untuk mendaftar sebagai pemilih boleh dibuat dengan HADIR SENDIRI dan membawa kad pengenalan milik sendiri dan mengisi borang pendafatran maklumat alamat di luar Negara di mana-mana pejabat Pesuruhjaya Tinggi atau Keduataan Malaysia atau pejabat Konsulat Malaysia di luar negara seperti yang berikut: a) Sekiranya tuan adalah seorang pelajar sepenuh masa yang sedang belajar di luar Negara atau pasangan kepada pelajar tersebut atau seorang penjawat awam yang sedang bertugas di luar Negara atau pasangan kepada penjawat awam tersebut,maka tuan adalah layak untuk mendaftar sebagai pemilih tidak hadir dengan syarat mengemukakan dalam Borang Pendaftaran dan dikepilkan bersama borang tersebut. Sekiranya tuan mempunyai sebarang pertanyaan lanjut berhubung perkara ini, tuan bolehlah menghubungi PEJABAT PILIHAN RAYA NEGERI SELANGOR,LOT 03-11,TINGKAT 3,KOMPLEKS PKNS,40690 SHAH ALAM,SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN di talian 03-5519 4273,5511 1806. Sekian semoga maklumat ini dapat membantu. Selamat Mendaftar dan Selamat Mengundi.

—– Forwarded Message —–
From: shaman
To:[email protected]” <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2011 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: Voting registration

Hi Jerlene,
Regarding the matter below. The “Form A” is available for online on the SPR website. Can I register through the embassy now since this service is available?

From:[email protected]” <[email protected]>
To: shaman
Cc:[email protected]” <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 12:03 PM
Subject: RE: Voting registration

Dear Shaman,

Thank you for your email. As spoken yesterday, the Election Commission is in the process of changing the law for allowing Malaysians residing abroad to vote. An extract of the news as follows:

“All Malaysian registered voters residing overseas WILL SOON be able to vote via post.

According to Election Commission chairperson Abdul Aziz Yusof, this will “hopefully happen in the next general election”.

Speaking to reporters in Kuala Lumpur today, he said that the EC is CURRENTLY IN THE PROCESS OF AMENDING THE ELECTION RULES to allow this.

The change in election rules will expand the postal vote from only civil servants and full-time students and their spouses.”

Some news article about the election. You must register as a voter if you have not registered in Malaysia.

We will keep you informed on this election matter once we received any information from Malaysia.

Yours sincerely,
Jerlene Wallenius

Embassy of Malaysia
Aleksanterinkatu 17
00100 Helsinki
Tel: 010 320 2030
Fax: 010 320 2041

From: shaman
Sent: 30 August 2011 11:51
To: [email protected]
Subject: Voting registration

Dear sir/maam,

My name is Shaman Narayanasamy and I came to register as a voter yesterday at the embassy as I did not register as a voter back in Malaysia. However, I did not manage to do so because the embassy was not prepared to handle such a case. Below is a video of the announcement which clearly shows the EC chairman saying that you can register as a voter in the embassy:

Please look into the issue and keep me updated regarding this issue as soon as possible.

Best regards,
