When the word TOO is hidden

On the one hand we have PERKASA. On the other hand we have Malaysia Today’s readers. They are actually all cut from the same cloth, the other side of the coin, so to speak. And the following comments seem to strengthen this view. And the moral of the story is: don’t you dare question or criticise Pakatan Rakyat.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Pakatan, too, must come clean on ‘covert funds’,” said University of Malaya Professor, Edmund Terence Gomez. The word TOO was very cleverly hidden so that many Malaysia Today readers did not spot it.

That was actually a very dirty trick that Gomez played on our readers. If he had not hidden the word TOO, then many would have spotted it and would not have gone and commented as below.

Gomez has actually written dozens of books over more than a decade (http://www.bookfinder.com/author/edmund-terence-gomez/), some jointly with S. Jomo (http://www.bookfinder.com/author/jomo-k-s/), who moved to New York City as UN Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development after retiring from the University of Malaya in 2004.


written by Wakeupmsia, September 30, 2011 15:16:42

It’s premature to ask that. Wait till they secure Putrajaya. BTW, have you asked Jibby about the Scopene commission or perhaps the funds he promised at the last few by-elections? Remember what he said “You help me, I help You”


written by arazak, September 30, 2011 15:59:02

Hello Gomez,

Go ask where UMNO got their money first? They have been stealing from the people for decades and you don’t even bother to ask where they got their money? And mind you, the money they have been stealing from us would probably have been several thousand billions by now. Did UMNO disclose where they got their money to us? No, never!

I’ll put you together in the same boat (or same dish) as the other Professor “kangkongs”; Zainal Keling and Khoo Kay Kim. What do we have here then. . .? Truely “1 Malaysia Kangkong” academicians who do nothing to improve our education standard other than sucking UMNO’s dick!

You can all shove your Kangkong PhDs up your arses, please!


written by Sam V. Vellu, September 30, 2011 16:02:03

Come on lah Terrance ! when billions of dollars were being siphoned out of the country you never said anything , now suddenly when the General Election is near you are coming out to share in the potty. You are typical of catholic ball carriers of the Archbishop.


written by Q-Baron, September 30, 2011 16:03:16

All too well, Mr. T.G.. You have just shown us what a fine (BN) terrier you are yourself. Not bad but you would agree it should start with you here. Please tell us who is that covertly funded you to make this statement? Thanks.


written by ksmaniam28, September 30, 2011 16:10:47

I say it is a trap. Who is this guy to ask this question. The EC should do it. EC is not asking the question because if it ask the question, its biasedness will be too obvious is it. so they get a spy to do the job. Wow BN is trying very hard guys so watch it. They are curious how Pakatan is funded. If they know how it is done, the next thing will be that funder will not be funding Pakatan anymore. Cut the funds and Pakatan will die a natural death.

So whatever happens do not divulge the info. HOwever funding in such a manner should not be condoned. The EC should take a hard look at the funding. Yes, we can also hope to see pigs fly. Mt 2 cents worth.


written by chris, September 30, 2011 16:14:12

Gomez, were you just borned yesterday??? Why didn’t you first posed this question to BN??? For over 50 years no one has raised the question to them and you had the gall to ask PKR???? I’m sure your promotion to Chancellor letter is in the mail…..


written by ng chai hing, September 30, 2011 16:31:03

Gomez do you know how much money had been squandered and siphoned by BN leaders year in year out ? i think you have eyes but cannot see, you have ears but cannot hear and you have mouth but cannot speak.

