Karpal: DAP never agreed to hudud in T’gganu, Kelantan

(The Star) – DAP chairman Karpal Singh said he is surprised over the statement by Kelantan Mentri Besar Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat that the party had agreed in principle to the hudud legislation which was passed in Kelantan and Terengganu in 1999 and 2003 respectively.

“We never agreed in principle to the legislation,” he said at a press conference at his office here Sunday.

“We have nothing against PAS. On larger issues, we are on one mind.

“But we find that PAS’ stand on hudud is inconsistent with the Federal Constitution,” he said.

Karpal said DAP leaders had made it clear during a meeting with Pakatan Rakyat leaders on Wednesday that the hudud law was not in line with the Federal Constitution.

Asked about his absence at the 60th PAS anniversary celebration in Kepala Batas, Karpal Singh said he did not attend as he was unwell.

“I informed DAP headquarters that I could not attend the function.

“It is not a deliberate attempt on my part to skip the event,” he said.

