Even if it weakens Pakatan, Nik Aziz wants hudud

By K Pragalath, FMT

PETALING JAYA: Kelantan Menteri Besar Nik Aziz Nik Mat remains adamant about implementing hudud in the state even if this resulted in Pakatan Rakyat becoming weakened.

“I went through the newspapers over the past few days and they are not playing up the hudud issue as vigorously as they did last week. I hope they would, even if it weakens Pakatan because more people would understand the truth about hudud.

“Perhaps the media realised that hudud cannot be used as Umno’s tool as it would backfire,” read the PAS spiritual adviser’s posting on Facebook.

Controversy over hudud erupted last month when the PAS leader announced his intention to implement the Islamic law after former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad dared Nik Aziz to implement it.

Nik Aziz also stressed that hudud would only affect the Muslims.

However, PAS’ Pakatan coalition partner DAP had objected, saying the move would contradict the Federal Constitution.

Last week, Pakatan supremo Anwar Ibrahim anounced that hudud cannot be implemented due to lack of concensus among the coalition’s component parties.

‘Food more important than hudud’

In an immediate reaction, Perak DAP chief Ngeh Koo Ham said that Nik Aziz’s view might weaken Pakatan.

“It would be better to raise other issues than hudud because it would reduce the votes that we get. Issues such as people-centric policies would be supported by all good human beings,” he told FMT.

He cited good governance and transparency as among the issues that would garner support from all people.

He said under current times, “putting food (on the table) is more important than hudud”.


