Reason To Vote

By IkhlasMalaysia

First of all, is casting a vote a ‘right’ (hak) or a responsibilty (tanggungjawab)?

In some countries (including Singapore), casting a vote is a citizen’s responsibility. If you don’t cast your vote you will be fined. In Malaysia, the TV used to air the ‘Mari Mengundi’ song which sings, ” Marilah mari, pergi mengundi.. jangan lupa KEWAJIPAN (responsibility), pada negara”. Is the government sending the correct message to the people?

Voting is not a responsibility to the Malaysians. It is just an ‘OPTION’ for those who are 21 years old and above. No action will be taken if they do not register or choose not to vote on the polling day. That is why many of us choose not to register, mainly because they don’t care and they do not think it is their responsibility to vote for the next government. Even though they are 21 years old, but they do not have the maturity in believing that they NEED to vote for the best government. They are young and they are enjoying their life even though they do not vote. Most of them, do not believe that their vote can bring any change to the country. They take things for granted as they are convenient with the current lifestyle in Malaysia under the existing government.

They do not care how the tax money is being spent by the government as they do not pay any income tax due to minimal monthly salary received. That is why, they do not know that the government is wasting people’s money for unnecessary payments and not serious in combating corruption. All these issues does not mean anything to them. So, why should they care to vote then?


